Super happy boy


9 Years
Mar 30, 2015
ok so my drake alphonse moved outside when he was 13 weeks old, he came in daily for a good long while but as the weather got nicer and he gained his stature with the hens, i started leaving him out to enjoy his pool and frozen peas in the morning. We got him a female, her name is nibbles, and she is a muscovy girl, she was getting pecked on so we started bringing her inside so she could heal up and altered the coop so she and my two other chicks could escape safely under the big coop. Anyways, al shares his coup with nibbles, and these two chickies (the hens hurt them so they are at a disadvantage and rather small), he's good with it, isn't mean, won't chase them out of the little coop i made for him.

So about a month ago he started getting super super vocal and giving me like.. the best head bobs when i would walk into the room. I adore this, but he also wouldn't just walk up to me, i don't foce him because i want him to know i am his safe place, and so if he doesn't want to be handled i don't make him, tho i do pet him before i come inside if he's staying out. Then last week he did something pretty unexpected. I had put my hand in the pool to see if he would play and he went nuts! bobbing his head, nuzzling my hands, he did summersaults in the water which is hilarious to see, but the big difference here is, when he came over to me, he wanted to climb up my arms to me and nuzzle in. I thought he was trying to mount my arm when he did this the first time but now he will do it out of the water, he fallows me, chatting up a storm and im just super happy about it.

I waited 6 years for this sweet boy, and i have spoiled him so much lol, nibbles wasn't planned but rather a nessessity so he would eat when i wasn't with him and now he's just thriving and happy and he gets so excited when he gets to come in. Makes me so happy !

Also, not sure if this will get answered for sure, but muscovy ducks are super big aren't they? Al, right now is the same size as her and she's only two months old, and she is super floofy still, hasn't gotten her new feathers all in from the first molt, so i'm just watching with amazment lol

just hoping i am reading his body language right :) and its nice to share his progress.
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That big long post and no pic of your happy boy, Al? Come on now.

We have 2 Pekins,... We call them "Sissy's" (as in sisters) gotta be 4 yrs old now and so fun to watch play in their pool, but they think everything is a duck killer... Lol
'Al' is displaying mating behavior. If the Muscovy is that large, it may also be a drake.
Al is smaller than what i pictured a full grown duck to be, he resembles a mallard male more and more here lately. Nibbles on the other hand, i saw the omish gentalmens muscovy girls outside of the fence and i gatta say, holy maceral, if she gets that big i'll need a new hutch for her! lol. They assured me she was a girl, i bought an older chick to make sure the sexing was more accurate. She is the sweetest little thing too. I JUST gained her trust, so she doesn't freak when i pet or pick her up. I hope she isn't a male XD that would be bad juju

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