super smelly incubator


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 16, 2010
We set our eggs on June 22nd. Candled them on the 29th and again last Monday because I could smell that at least one was bad. I threw out the one that had no dark in it (cracked it open, and there was no embryo), but the incubator still smells :(. I have a mix of Marans and Olive eggers, the Marans eggs are hard to see through but it looked like all of them had something in them. This is our first time ever to try to hatch eggs, but how do I figure out which one is rotten? It stinks pretty bad in the 'bator!
okay, thank you! I will start sniffing duty in the morning! I smelled one when I turned them earlier, it stunk, but it was more of a residual stink...I'm thinking from being in there with the rotten one? After smelling that one I wasn't sure if the rotten one would smell worse or what.
ewwwww! I hope it's not too many of them! We started with 18, threw one away, and now gotta find the other stinker(s).

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