Super swollen - egg bound chicken?


6 Years
Sep 14, 2013
I have probed the vent with lots of ky jelly. I'm not totally sure if I feel an egg there or not? I started with the warm epsom salt bath and have been repeating. I feel like I can maybe feel something hard from the outside near inbetween her legs-probably normal anatomy? I've been getting her to drink a little calcium water here and there

For how long should I continue the epsom salt baths and between should I continue to try and lube the vent in between baths bc some feces etc did come out which I think would be good. Should I try to massage things out?

She is so swollen. And when should this hopefully end? How will I know if it's hopeless? Could there be another problem? Help and advice please
Swollen is probably ascites, which is often from organ failure, and may have nothing to do with being egg bound. I would probably cull unless you have a vet who could give you a better diagnosis.
Cluck just passed. I tried draining the fluid, may have done too much. Was probably way too late. Pay attention to your flock and start researching as soon as you notice bizarre behavior. I could have maybe added a few months. But this prognosis is never good. RIP to the chicken who was the most fun!! Love you Cluck
Cluck just passed. I tried draining the fluid, may have done too much. Was probably way too late. Pay attention to your flock and start researching as soon as you notice bizarre behavior. I could have maybe added a few months. But this prognosis is never good. RIP to the chicken who was the most fun!! Love you Cluck
Bummer, it stinks for sure.
Yeah, even a successful draining is rarely a 'cure'.
Have had a couple with ascites.
First one I tried to treat, only prolonged her misery.
Second one I euthanized as soon as I saw the ascites.
Both had irreparable/untreatable issues inside.
Cluck just passed. I tried draining the fluid, may have done too much. Was probably way too late. Pay attention to your flock and start researching as soon as you notice bizarre behavior. I could have maybe added a few months. But this prognosis is never good. RIP to the chicken who was the most fun!! Love you Cluck

You could have maybe added a few months, but what would her quality of life been? Recurring discomfort? Would you have wanted that for her? I think you cared about her enough that you wouldn't have wanted that.

Bummer, it stinks for sure.
Yeah, even a successful draining is rarely a 'cure'.
Have had a couple with ascites.
First one I tried to treat, only prolonged her misery.
Second one I euthanized as soon as I saw the ascites.
Both had irreparable/untreatable issues inside. 

I put them down as soon as I see it, too. I have tried in the past to "save" a chicken, but usually ended up prolonging their suffering.

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