Supplement to promote feather growth?


Star Bright Farm
11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
Brown City, Michigan (Thumb)
A friend of mine gave me a frizzled cochin cockerel and pullet that have had all of their feathers plucked out. They are completely bare from their wings back...poor little things look like they've been in a roaster because they're skin is sunburnt as well. Is there any type of supplement I can give them which will specifically promote feather growth/health?
Black Oil sunflower seeds are supposed to be all protein which is what feathers are. ( I think) I feed them to my chickens and it seems to help feathers grow faster and they look better to me,
BOSS (black oil sunflower seeds) and maybe a higher protien feed, like gamebird starter? At least for a while....poor things! I wonder if there is anything you can put on their bare skin to keep them protected?
Thanks everyone. I feed a 24% Grower, so should I give them even MORE protein? I'm also keeping them inside out of the sun. I thought about putting some lotion or oil on their bare skin, but it would just get too nasty with them dusting. They're skin looks like the skin of a rotisserie chicken!
They're happy little guys, despite their problems. I'm just wondering if there is any type of powdered supplement that I could put in their feed? I know they make coat supplements for horses, rabbits, etc.
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I have a hen that got sunburned from a combination of losing her feathers during the molt and the rooster's mating her.
She wouldn't keep a chicken saddle on, so I bought her a little dress that with few alterations stays on for days at a time to protect her from the sun.
I treat her bare skin under the dress with A+D ointment to help it heal, which can be found in the baby dept. at walmart.
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A friend of mine gave me a frizzled cochin cockerel and pullet that have had all of their feathers plucked out. They are completely bare from their wings back...poor little things look like they've been in a roaster because they're skin is sunburnt as well. Is there any type of supplement I can give them which will specifically promote feather growth/health?
Vitamin A is need for make feather and biotin. Very big importance. Make sure protein is good level. If not good vitamin A, birds can not perform molt properly.
I have a hen that got sunburned from a combination of losing her feathers during the molt and the rooster's mating her.
She wouldn't keep a chicken saddle on, so I bought her a little dress that with few alterations stays on for days at a time to protect her from the sun.
I treat her bare skin under the dress with A+D ointment to help it heal, which can be found in the baby dept. at walmart.
Mercy me that sounds too cute.. a little dress.. any pics?
Vitamin A is need for make feather and biotin. Very big importance. Make sure protein is good level. If not good vitamin A, birds can not perform molt properly.
Hi. :frow

The post you quoted is from 2009 and the poster hasn't been seen since 2020 according to the profile.

I never heard or read that before.. also never faced it. Interesting information though.. and worth keeping in mind, thanks for sharing! :highfive:

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