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It is sad.. everything should be covered in the news.

There is joy and hope out there too. Triumph and victory over evil intentions.... feeding us only negative things all the time... makes us negative. We need to good we need to see the other side. Bravery moves me... lets see more of that. Stop glorifying suffering and evil intents by only giving such all the attention.

I agree, but how can you push your agenda if you show the good that the thing you're trying to outlaw does? That's what they're trying to do. Little do they realize that we can still find out about all the good that guns do too.

Skip the video an read the text about Visa choosing to stop their costumers from buying guns.

Correction---The card side of Visa is not effected, the retailer side of Visa is refusing to proses any brand card for a store that sells guns. The store has to go threw someone other than Visa to proses any card but should still be able to take Visa cards then.
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My biggest question is, with all the "important people" protected by armed guards (president, celebrities ect) why aren't we protecting children where they go to school and public places where they hangout??

Edit to add: the movie theater we used to go to, just had a man arrested for impersonating a CIA agent! He had a loaded gun on him, fake CIA badge and had bullet proof armor under his clothes! He had more guns and ammunition in his vehicle. I can't imagine to think what would have happened if he didn't get caught. My brother was supposed to be there that night, but decided not to go.
It's scary to think how vulnerable some places are to those kinds of things.
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It is sad.. everything should be covered in the news.

There is joy and hope out there too. Triumph and victory over evil intentions.... feeding us only negative things all the time... makes us negative. We need to good we need to see the other side. Bravery moves me... lets see more of that. Stop glorifying suffering and evil intents by only giving such all the attention.

I agree, but how can you push your agenda if you show the good that the thing you're trying to outlaw does? That's what they're trying to do. Little do they realize that we can still find out about all the good that guns do too.

All news organizations almost always follow the edict in journalism: "If it bleeds, it leads."

The more violent and bloody an incident is, the more news coverage it will get. It has nothing to do with a political agenda.

There are a handful of corporations that own the majority of news outlets. Their agenda is making money.
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