Supposed to be a silkie roo, but pretty sure it's something else, any idea?


5 Years
Dec 22, 2014
Louisville, KY
I got this as a chick, he was supposed to be a splash silkie, but smooth feathers came in and he is sort of a jerk (very mean SOB), does not have silkie temperament...does have feathered feet, so maybe a mix with something? Anyone have any ideas?
ok, thanks, he does his job, so far every egg has hatched (only replacing my egg layers that are too old, not selling chicks because i can't say he's pure silkie), but he is SO mean and aggressive, someone who raises chickens at work suggested he might be polish, but really had no idea since they only have orpingtons and not a lot of interest in other breeds.
It is a Silkie mix.
agreed, Handsome fellow!

He's a silkie mix. Mixed with what, who knows.

Temperament is inherited, so I wouldn't be breeding him. I wouldn't want a bunch of mean temperament birds running around.
mixed breed - there is NEVER a good reason to keep a BAD roo. The market is glutted with roosters needing a new home - mainly because most folks aren''t allowed to keep roos. And many people realize they don't need one - unless they hatch or sell fertile eggs. Hens are a lot happier without roos and will continue to lay just as many eggs - tho infertile ones.

It's a buyers market - often there are beautiful, good tempered cockerels/roos that are show or breeding quality for very reasonable prices and sometimes free.

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