Suprelorin implant (Virbac) stops hens with egg peritonitis laying anymore

Thanks for your reply. This is what I had guessed, and experienced as well. The production breeds ( leghorns, sex links, and to an extent hatchery RIRs, Barred Rocks, Orpingtons/Australorps) have all been selectively bred at the hatchery for the most egg yield, which seems to be the stem of the problems. In my experience, and many others on the forum, the incidence of these reproductive problems (EYP, ovarian cancers, oviduct problems, etc) seems to greatly diminish in breeds that do not lay as heavily, as well as in breeds that are purchased from well known, private breeders (vs. hatchery birds).

There is nothing wrong with buying from a hatchery depending on the goals of the chicken keeper, but we can't ignore the correlation between heavy producers sold from hatcheries and the reproductive problems. Not a problem if someone is keeping birds for eggs and/or the pot alone. If someone is seeking long-lived pet chickens, however, it is wise to carefully research the breed and source of the birds. I wish I had been more careful with this myself, in retrospect.

Yes, it seems the incidence of ovarian cancer/repro issues is positively correlated with the number of ovulations, as it is with humans. This is why the white leghorn is *the* model of choice for researchers studying human ovarian cancer.

My gamefowl (from animal shelter) never have reproductive issues. By comparison, they seem indestructible (except for Marek's).
Does anyone have a link to a page I can print out for my vet to learn about the implant and see that you can get it in the U.S.. Preferably a place reasonably priced. I think she will put it in for me if she knows where to get it. They told me it's not available here in the U.S.
I just got off the phone with her and she would like to learn about it.

Look back earlier on this thread, where Tofupup has shared links to the best sources of information. Apparently it's fairly common to use the implants in Australia and England, but newer here in the U.S. Avian vets may be more familiar with giving Lupron shots to parrots/cockatiels to stop reproduction, but of course those birds don't lay every day like chickens and the shots don't last long.

All, I wanted to report back on what I experienced re availability of deslorelin (in NorCal):
- UC Davis does it but was out of stock when I checked with them. They suggested checking back every 2 weeks. Cost: $80-120 for initial exam, $30 anesthesia, $31 to implant, $210 for drug itself.
- Bay Area Bird Hospital, SF - does it and has it, cost $249. Process: initial exam, $65, go/no go from doctor. I tried this route and got a no go - dr said she still had infection and therefore wasn't strong enough for procedure. So if your bird has solidified yolk in abdomen, as mine does, you'd be unlikely to be able to get the implant here.
- Medical Center for Birds, Oakley, CA (Contra Costa County) - does it, but would not disclose cost over the phone. Would need to take bird in for initial exam, $70, and discuss with doctor.

Tofupup, a vet from NJ on another thread said they do surgery to "spay" and clean out the built-up yolk, and have had good results. This might end up being more affordable than the implants, if vets experienced with this surgery were available. I've asked for more information and will share the link to that thread once I get it.
All Ball - I just read your posts - I'm wondering if your hen is still with you and what you ended up doing…

I'm in Oakland and trying to decide what to do with my hen who was first drained in June and was just drained again on Tuesday :( Since you're so close by, I'm hoping you might have more advice….

It's very difficult to go through this - as I'm sure you know….

This is Loudy after her first draining…. (shocking to see what was drained out of her - she carried it very we'll)

This time, she doesn't seem to be doing as well as the last time she was drained… This time when she was drained, there was also a little blood…. I wonder if he nicked something going in...


Hi, amyduck –
Wanda is still with us after a lengthy antibiotics treatment, which helped to temporarily stop the infection, but the EYP has impaired her mobility (one of her legs seems to be impinged by the internal buildup), she has much lower energy, in the last few months she has the green poop that Speckled Sussex has described as being characteristic of the last stages of the condition.
I tried to get suprelorin from an SF vet, but she was unwilling to prescribe it with an infection still present. Given the generally bad outcomes I've read on BYC, I've become resigned to the idea that she will probably decline and pass in the next several months.
I'm going to be careful in the future about the breeds I choose and sources - this seems like a genetic issue with breeds bred for high productivity.
Hello all, I
Just wanted to share my Virbac observations. My Red Sex-linked hen, Rosa, got her first implant about 6 weeks ago and it caused an immediate molt just as I have read. The interesting thing is, some of her new feathers are growing in a color she has never had! I didn't see anyone mention this...has anyone else seen this?
My girl is all swollen and has egg peritonitis. We also believe she has some fluid in her air sacs. I took her to an Avian vet today, (not my usual vet) and he wants $4,000. He suggests surgery to remove the eggs. Which is fine but only if he does all these things first.... CAT Scan/Electrodiagnostics, sonogram/ultrasound, clinical pathology and some other things that add up to about $1,500. The surgery is and additional $2,500. My usual vet gave her antibiotics and a diuretic and sent me to an avian vet. I just cant afford $4,000 and neither vet will give hormones/suprebrin or deslorelin to my chicken. Also surgery is risky. Does your vet still do implants? I'd like to take her to him if he still does. I am looking for some cheaper options. Any advice appreciated and am willing to travel.
Can I get the name of a vet that gives these implants please I'm so desperate for Elizabeth? I cant seem to find a vet that gives suprebrin/deslorelin to chickens.
I take my chickens to Creekside Animal Hospital in Draper, Utah. My hen has had two implants so far. I just spoke to my vet, Dr. Orr, today about how difficult it is for some folks to obtain these implants. He indicated that Creekside Animal Hospital can get whatever they need; they have no restrictions.

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