Surprise Chick!


In the Brooder
Jun 21, 2022
I walked outside to check on my chickens this evening and to my shock and surprise there was a baby chick!
None of my girls have ever been very broody but it looks like they pulled one over on me! I’ve identified the mother and it seems like she doing a good job taking care of her. The other chicken aren’t paying her any attention as far as being aggressive.

So should I keep her with the mother and the others?

Everything online is conflicting some saying keep with the mother it’s the best. Others say put in a brood box until old enough.

I’ve set up a extra/separate food and water dish for now in the run of the hen house so the chick has easier access. The rooster and the other chickens have been out in the yard most of the day. Mother chick and baby chick didn’t come out into the yard until I went out there earlier and discovered her.

Extra options tips and trick are appreciated. I’ve never hatch my own chick before for this is new for me.

Side note: the mother chicken is an Easter egger and the father is a sliver laced polish


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If the rest of the chickens are leaving her alone I would just leave them out. I generally pen moms and chicks separately for one to two weeks just for safety and to give them a chance to bond well. It can be more important when there are lots of chicks as they can get lost. One chick is easier on a hen to keep track of.

In the end it all depends on how you feel about the situation and the safety of the chick in the current situation. Only you can judge that and every situation is different that why there's conflicting information.

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