surprise chicks

So I'm taking a guess and calling them all barnyard mixes
I lost my pretty light colored one. It got sick and died within hours of showing symptoms. The black one with a bum foot got sick too but it fought hard through the night until I could get to town to get some medicine.

It is kind of hard to see but she definitely is going to have very puffy cheek feathers.

You can see her bum foot in this one. I am hoping it doesn't cause any issues when I finally try to introduce them to my flock. My BPR girls can be kind of pushy.

I'm thinking this baby may be a he. It escaped one day and when my husband finally caught it the darn thing was trying to flog me. It isn't always that aggressive but is definitely to dominant protector of the bunch. I also have recently noticed the black one has no signs of red on her comb but this one has red all around the comb and the little wattles already coming in.
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Plus it is huge compared to the other one then again it never got sick and the black one was sickly for at least 5 days before it started eating completely normal again.

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