surprise special chicks at 5 weeks - breed/gender guesses?


8 Years
Nov 9, 2011
My "surprise special" chicks are now 5 weeks old. They were sold as standard breed/size chicks from Ideal.
I would love confirmation of breed, gender guesses, and just want to share some of the ones I'm pretty sure about, in case it helps others in the same boat.
Sorry - some are a little dirty, my waterer leaked everywhere so they got soaked. I took the pictures while cleaning out the brooder.
#1 + 2.
I'm thinking these two are male and female gold pencilled hamburgs...both looked identical as chicks and they have the same body type as the silver spangled hamburgs I ordered.

#3. This one has a very similar body type, but has a straight comb. A hamburg with a bad comb or maybe a silver lakenvelder?? It looked very much like Ideal's silver lakenvelder chick illustration...

#4. This one looked like a solid black chick, but has lots of brown. No clue on breed. Looks boyish and upright to me...but with the black comb it's hard to tell if it's getting red.

#5. This one was a funky chick, black but with a brown face. Very boyish looking to me, but comb is not developing much.

#6. This has to be a boy with its red comb and wattles, right? Plain white, yellow legs.

#7. White but has some black feathers, also some funky brownish feathers coming in. I don't *think* it's that dirty. Girl?

#8. This one is very small, closer in size to the chicks I have that are 2 weeks younger. Mostly white with some red and now black coming in. Boy due to the red on wings- or no?

I'm missing two...they wouldn't cooperate for pictures. Both look to be columbian-colored, with straight combs. Maybe delawares? I think one is a boy and one's a girl.

And just for fun - the cochin. I was thinking female but now am seeing wattles. Any guesses?

There are also 6 silver laced wyandottes, but their pictures didn't come out. There were also 2 barred cockerels and one white Jersey Giant.

Oops - almost forgot these two. Buff orps?

I really can't help with any except the last pic. They have way too much red to be Buff Orps. Their body shape doesn't look right either. I think they may be red stars.
Those last 2 look like my New Hampshire Reds that I also got from Ideal via the feed store. Once that white down falls off they are more uniformly reddish, with some black on the tail feathers. At first I thought they were red stars but the coloring wasn't quite right when they were babies for a female sex link. Too light, almost white.

EDIT: got mine from Cackle Hatchery, my bad. The ones from Ideal look like they have a ring of black feathers around their necks, so maybe yours are red stars. All your babies are beautiful!
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Thank you, that's very helpful! Here is one as a chick - they do look like the New Hampshire Reds on Ideal's site. Is that what yours looked like?


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