Surprise! What type of chicken did we hatch?

Just thought I would take a moment, or two, and update this thread with some new pictures. LOL, lots has changed since the ones above.

Here is Bandit at 3 weeks old....

And at 6.5 weeks

Bandit at 11 weeks

Here he is at about 16 weeks. The light girl next to him is Lavender.

This might be a little better picture of them both at the same age as above.

Bandit at about 21 weeks old

Bandit is now 23 weeks old. These were taken last week when he was 22 weeks old.

Bandit is the Cockerel in charge of the "chicks" from our first hatch. Izzy, our Isabel/split Orpington cockerel is by far larger but still bows down to Bandit. Izzy still has quite a bit of maturing to do, physically, so we will see if this continues to be the case. Bandit, Lavender and Libra are the 3 South American crosses. Bandit and Lavender are from the first hatch. They are South American land race crossed with a predecessor of the Ameraucana(all you "True" Ameraucana fans out there, read Easter Egger here). Bandit flies-over fences, on top of fences, houses and people. He is an equal opportunity and frequent flier....any time, any place. He is protective of his clutch mates and often can be seen standing at attention when the others are resting. He has barring, lacing, shafting and though he appears blue he has gold and a bit of red in his wings. We cant wait to see what he looks like when he is fully mature. His comb better not get much bigger or he will be so top heavy he wont be flying anywhere! So needless to say, we love this "Silkie", lol, I mean Surprise!
Houdini lived up to name and turned out to be a rooster for sure. Was quiet until 3 weeks ago and then began crowing....sad day. Very next Saturday he got shipped to Eastern Oregon to live on my parents ranch. I miss him.
This is Libra at about 4 months old. He is the Silkie x South American composite that came to my house.

This is Lavender at 5 months. It was taken the beginning of Sept. She has started laying and her eggs are a dark green. I will try to get a pic of one of her eggs when I can.


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