Survival of the fittest - wolf RP

[COLOR=333333]Name: Melody Gender: female Pack:Aqua Drop Pack Rank: Member Mate: open Offspring: none Family: none History: to be Rped Personality: Sweet, topically relaxed and submissive. Has a temper and can be stubbern Picture/description: [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] Other: Survival of the fittest username: Americano Blue[/COLOR]
Blizzards paw soon stopped bleeding but the pain stayed and bothered her. As she lay by the tree looking at her paw she scolded herself for not noticing the trap

Levi stood up and looked around, she was rather bored....
She grinned mischievously. She started to walk towards Blizzards pack.

Blizzard stood up and limped to a stream. She stopped her nose twitched. An unfamiliar smell filled the air. "Another wolf. Female. Loner." She said to herself as she sniffed she shrugged. "Well as long as that loner doesn't start to much trouble." Blizzard thought to herself as she lapped up the water.
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Blizzard stood up and limped to a stream. She stopped her nose twitched. An unfamiliar smell filled the air. "Another wolf. Female. Loner." She said to herself as she sniffed she shrugged. "Well as long as that loner doesn't start to much trouble." Blizzard thought to herself as she lapped up the water.

Blizzard limped to camp. She lowered her head her nose nearly touching the ground. She sniffed. The scent filled her nostrils. "Deer, a large herd, about... 30..." Blizzard got excited thinking about a successful hunt. She looked down at her paw then remembered. "Oh,yeah I forgot about you." She thought looking at her paw
Blizzard lay down in her den beneath the ground she cleaned away the blood that stained her paw.

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