~ Survive With The Canadian Wolves ~ Wolf Roleplay

Faedon picked her way over a rock. She was scaling a mountain, and as she got higher and higher, she could see the vast expanse of trees below her. More mountains, both near and distant, smudged the horizon. Wow, she thought to herself with amazement. I don't think I'll ever get used to this view. The mountains had been here for many, many years prior to wolves. When wolves passed on, the mountains remained, and that was the beauty Faedon saw in them. They reminded Faedon just how small she really was.

Her awestruck thoughts were broken when she thought, Or, maybe I just look into things far, far too much. She resumed scaling the mountain, picking her way over rocks. She prayed silently in her mind that she didn't encounter any wolves; Faedon could almost be considered antisocial, and she was in no mood for socializing right now. Of course, she never was.
( Ok)
He tuned toward her. " How are you?" he asked.

Unalakleet sniffed the trail of the rabbit she had been fallowing.

Dakota smelled another packs border. She knew it was Blizzard pack. She called Pine and Shadow to her side. " Stay close now" she told them softly.
( Ok)
He tuned toward her. " How are you?" he asked.

Unalakleet sniffed the trail of the rabbit she had been fallowing.

Dakota smelled another packs border. She knew it was Blizzard pack. She called Pine and Shadow to her side. " Stay close now" she told them softly.
"I'm good. You?" she said getting up and walking over to him.
" Fine" he said and rested his head on his paws. " Some of the pack members reported they smelled a moose inside our territory. I was going to get the pack together to hunt it down."
(I'm sorry I saw that they were and I assumed we could.

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