~ Survive With The Canadian Wolves ~ Wolf Roleplay

Klyan had just got back from hunting when he heard Lunar call. He padded over to the Highstone and waited to see what she would say. Kipkip bounded up and bounced on her paws expectantly.
Juniper sat close to the stone waiting calmly.
Lunar cleared her throat. She began her speech.

"My mate, the alpha male of this pack, my mate the alpha male of Blizzard pack has cheated on me, betrayed his pack, and lied through his gappy teeth to me and was busted a couple hours ago when I saw him with Echo. Echo has betrayed her pack, Hot pack, to be with my mate. We cannot let this happen. If Echo becomes his mate either I will be killed or Blizzard pack will fall. Here's the plan: half of you will go to Echo's pack, Hot pack, and tell them what has happened. The other half of you, will come with me to steal my mate away from Echo."
Lunar cleared her throat. She began her speech.

"My mate, the alpha male of this pack, my mate the alpha male of Blizzard pack has cheated on me, betrayed his pack, and lied through his gappy teeth to me and was busted a couple hours ago when I saw him with Echo. Echo has betrayed her pack, Hot pack, to be with my mate. We cannot let this happen. If Echo becomes his mate either I will be killed or Blizzard pack will fall. Here's the plan: half of you will go to Echo's pack, Hot pack, and tell them what has happened. The other half of you, will come with me to steal my mate away from Echo."

Raven's eyes burbed with fury at just the thought of Blizzard pack being destroyed. She howled loudly in agreement and was soon followed by Oak.
Juniper was disturbed by the thought of their clan falling apart like this...she was sad and scared. What would happen tho their pack? How many would die or be wounded in this feud? But she joined in the howl for vengeance.
Klyan was angry...he had joined this pack because he thought they were noble and strong. Now his own Alpha had destroyed those virtues. He howled loud and long.
Kipkip howled and barked in excitement. She didn't really care what they were setting out to do...if there was going to be fighting, she was in.
( Internet strangly began to work)

Storm looked at Echo. " Well I dont have a pack now. I'm a loner. What do I do he sank down. " I went from being the highest ranking wolf with a pack to a wolf with no rank or pack."
Echo licked his cheek. "I'm sure we can get through this!"

Raven sighed. She knew Lunar wouldn't change her mind. She headed back to the pack trying not to look disappointed.
Drifter sighed and gazed after the wolves.Rejected again! He sniffed the air before following. He didn't give up easily!

(Can I bring Caleb in somewhere? I want to rp him,but that whole storyline has died.)

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