Surviving Minnesota!

Thanks for all the sympathies, all! We will get it taken care of, it will just take a few days. It has been a year to remember, that is for certain!

I gave up gluten and coffe over a week ago, so you guys are making me suffer some talking about coffee! I have some stomach issues I have to work out, so those had to go for a trial period, maybe permanently. I told my husband, "Do you know what most of my diet consisted of before this change????" It is not easy.
I do feel more energy and I am not sluggish nor is getting out of bed in the morning as tough, so I think it is having some positive effects.

No raccoons last night, they probably got scared out of their wits with trees falling all over. There are probably some down out in the scrubby tree line too I just didn't pay much attention to.

Time to get out there and get rolling. Have a good day, all!
The dog just chased a young black bear away, I can't believe it shows up at this time of the day. I hadn't let the chickens out of their pen yet now I will wait and see. Dang it.
Minnie, I was sorry to hear about your storm troubles but I am glad everyone is ok!

We didn't get much rain at all...a little light rain and it was over. Had the Ferrier out this morning at 7:30am....she has done their feet 4 times now and still they are complete butt heads about it!!! I think something bad happened to them when they were being boarded last year before our pasture was ready because they hate having their feet done and it was never like that before. And anyone who has horses knows it's gonna take FOREVER to retrain them to respect the Ferrier! We tried something totally different this morning because nothing was working to get them to stand still...the twitch didn't even work on my qtr horse!! The Ferrier asked if I was able to pick up their feet and I said of guess who picked them up and held their feet while SHE trimmed and filed??? YEP you got it, ME! After 8 feet, my back hurt so bad and I was EXHAUSTED! I asked her how she could do that all day...she just smiled and said she had 26 horses to do today! She must own stock in Aleve!! So needless to say..we got them done and something else now for me to put on my with their feet so next time they might stand nice for her!

My chick is still wobbly on her feet but at least she is walking on her FEET and not her elbows! Her tail takes turns standing up or laying down so she is still touch and go...I may lose her yet.
Oh wow! It rained hard here. No wind damage or hail. The calls are starting to come into the business for the St. Cloud area. I didn't know they got hit that hard.
I work in Downtown St. was pretty calm...just rain. I live 30 minutes north of St. Cloud.....not even enough rain to settle the dust on the gravel road. (Nothing in the rain gauge). Just a couple of drops.

My sister lives near Eden Valley (West of St.Cloud) they got hammered. 12 inch trees thrown across the driveway like toothpicks. Neighbors horse barn was relocated across the road. Corn Fields laying down flat. They milked their 80 cows with a generator both last night and this morning. Power came back on today sometime.
Naw, that old saying predates Heehaw by at least 15 years that I can remember it from.
Considering she is 96 years old....I'm pretty sure she coined the phrase.
Well, I wonder how much more PITA stuff I will find. The wind drove the rain into the brooder house so hard, must be around to door and in some windows that I could not close, and it is just a nasty, wet, mucky mess! So, I am getting something cold to drink before heading out to tackle that while DH uses the chainsaw to cut stuff up so we can haul it to the burn piles. If any of you all need to sweat a few pounds off, feel free to come on down!
Well thats good to know MNChick. So we got torents of rain and Ralphie, who lives about seven miles as the crow flies, got hardly any rain. My MIL called to find out if we got any damage because she got the rain and wind. She lives 1 1/2 miles away in the opposite direction from us that Ralpie lives. We did not get the same weather she got. Weather is weird.

I laugh about Hee Haw. And then there was Laugh in and Lets Make a Deal and To Tell The Truth. Plus the little half-hour shows inbetween. A youngster could spend all morning watching the favorites until kicked off of the television. We could not afford a color television so I never saw one until 1969 when I began to date one boyfriend. That they had a color t.v. was amazing. And back in those days there was one television in the house. Incredible memories.

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