Surviving Minnesota!

Hello chickeners . . . . Late afternoon and I am caught up on threads. Congratulations Ralphie! Good Hatch so far!

I shoveled right away this morning. There was a bout three inches out there on the sidewalks. Then I checked out the chickens and decided to apply blue kote to those that are plucked. Well, who was it on here that gave fair warning about Blue Kote. I was confident - before I began. Allllllll over my hands! I almost wore plastic gloves but decided that I am a big girl and since I have been forewarned I would be careful and diligent. Ha! I think I have learned my lesson and will have the plastic gloves handy next time. I got most of the blue out with Melaluca sol-u-mel. Still. So they are coated in Blue Kote now and I will be checking for water just after I finish this.

They are laying still . . . and the one RIR is in full molt. What a time of year to molt! It looks like my BA is molting on her bottom area. Just starting if she is. Keep your feathers on! Should I cover, with plastic gloves on, where she is bare on the bottom?

Nothing else new. Staying warm inside except for checking for eggs (five so far today) and taking care of flock. Won't shovel again for a while. Maybe tomorrow around noon if the wind has died down.

Take care you all.
Hatch seems to be coming off ok Ralphie.

Klop, I can relate to your frustration with the contractors. In my wife's business she hears the same thing from people, and most are surprised by how quickly she responds the their initial inquiry and to their questions after as well. It seems that most contractors are not good with follow up or with consistent work once they secure a bid ?
I have been plowing snow most the day.

Fingers and toes are cold. I was at 7 chicks when I last looked.

My best Layers of the day are the Pollacks!!

I am amazed I got 2 eggs from 3 girls.

Kloppers, Amazing how that goes with contractors and yet the bank is insisting you use them. Good Luck
A wonderful sad day at school for me.
The varsity volleyball coach resigned!

But the varisty track coach has had to leave the position due to a job in the oil field.. Really sad since he built up our team wo much last year..

I'm finally getting my new phone today after I get home from pep band
Just a couple inches of snow here but the wind keeps moving it around
I shoveled a lot and DH just finished plowing and blowing snow. He does all the neighbors on our drive as well because we own the field the drive way is on. But now one house is gone south for the winter so doesn't have to do that drive.
The rooster hater is on the other side so she's not on our driveway
Hatch seems to be coming off ok Ralphie.

Klop, I can relate to your frustration with the contractors. In my wife's business she hears the same thing from people, and most are surprised by how quickly she responds the their initial inquiry and to their questions after as well. It seems that most contractors are not good with follow up or with consistent work once they secure a bid ?
sounds like I would appreciate doing business with your wife's business. I am an easy man to please, i just need a little communication! I am still fighting to get enough attention to get a bid! i suspect most contractors arent too worried about what work they will be doing in 6 months, just what they are doing currently.

I have been plowing snow most the day.

Fingers and toes are cold. I was at 7 chicks when I last looked.

My best Layers of the day are the Pollacks!!

I am amazed I got 2 eggs from 3 girls.

Kloppers, Amazing how that goes with contractors and yet the bank is insisting you use them. Good Luck
I just got in from plowing myself. brrrr what a blizzard here. we probably had 2 inches of snow and now its windy as heck! plowing took longer than normal with having to shuffle vehicles around in the driveway. ive got my new truck in my garage spot until the wiring is done (hopefully tonight), so my truck, my old plow truck, and my loaner plow truck plus my car trailer with the my new plow blade taking up space on the driveway. push some snow, shuffle a vehicle and repeat!! cant wait to get my new truck done and the old and loaner trucks out of here!

Also, as far as the bank is concerned I am starting to look for ways to circumvent the banks rules. One idea i came up with is seeing if i can get a lender to refi my mortgage on my property but to exclude the value of the house (i.e. it would just be a loan on the land and outbuildings as if the house was gone) then i can take down the house and build it back myself without having to mess with the banks rules. the key would be a) finding a lender who would do it if my current bank wont and B) refi in such a way that i would have enough money left to build something. still working out the finer details there. the key here is that we (hopefully) owe less on the property that in is worth.
Not a great photo but i took my snowmobile out to check my snowfence. it seems to have broken in the middle. Hard to tell from the angle but the snow drift is now taller than the fence!

i will have to go out with some long zip ties when the wind dies down and fix it

Another dark grainy one, but check how bright that moon is! like working outside (making chicken food) with a huge yard light. We just passed perihelion last week so i wonder if that is why it is so bright??

And the verdict is in. Son has a broken shoulder, thankfully no concussion but they are having me wake him every hour to be on the safe side. 4 hours now the er, only to be told come back tomorrow at 7 am to see orthopedics specialist. In my best whiny voice but the roads stink... so i told my husband stay in fargo i can handle this. His response, "i never doubted thst you couldnt handle it, by the way did you plug in the skid loader." So because i didnt plug in the skid loader...i called my father in law. First thing outta is mouth.." I bet you didn't plug in the green bean." Nope. "I'll bring over the big artillery." So because i had so much free time. I spent a little time cleaning the spilt water mess in the coop, feeding, rebeding only to knock over the water when refilling oyster shell. If it weren't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck today. Cheers to a better tomorrow.
And the verdict is in. Son has a broken shoulder, thankfully no concussion but they are having me wake him every hour to be on the safe side. 4 hours now the er, only to be told come back tomorrow at 7 am to see orthopedics specialist. In my best whiny voice but the roads stink... so i told my husband stay in fargo i can handle this. His response, "i never doubted thst you couldnt handle it, by the way did you plug in the skid loader." So because i didnt plug in the skid loader...i called my father in law. First thing outta is mouth.." I bet you didn't plug in the green bean." Nope. "I'll bring over the big artillery." So because i had so much free time. I spent a little time cleaning the spilt water mess in the coop, feeding, rebeding only to knock over the water when refilling oyster shell. If it weren't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck today. Cheers to a better tomorrow.

Sounds like your having me kind of day.. Hope it gets better..

The hatch stinks more eggs unhatched than hatched so far.

BC skip the games tonight ,,I saw on TV they were cancelled, I think..

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