Surviving Minnesota!

Thank you Emorical and EJB.

Ralphie I am so sorry to hear about JJ. At this point if he is dying whatever you think could help you could just as well give him. I hope he pulls through.
Thank you Emorical and EJB.

Ralphie I am so sorry to hear about JJ. At this point if he is dying whatever you think could help you could just as well give him. I hope he pulls through.
We had a thunderstorm (complete with lightening, thunder and HAIL) this week. Layers did you guys get any of that??? Here's my little barn :love Restoration process to begin this summer with WINDOWS. That's right, pigeons. Your days are numbered.
Oh my gosh Emorical! This is beautiful! We had a thunder lightning and lots of rain here a week or less ago. Oh I forgot to tell you that egg you gen had that was screwy is called a Lash egg I believe. I read about it awhile back.
@holm25 This is the first bird I have ever had dying or die that I feel any loss over, Ethel I would have had I realized when she died. (darn Coyote)... JJ was always my pet and not really a turkey.

I was looking at the picture of the barn @EMorical posted and reading the post about restoring the barn and the pigeons, I bet the pigeons hang out there even after the windows go in. And it reminded me of something my brother told me last week.

I told you about his old farmstead from the 1830's he bought and the artifacts (pig jaw & arrowheads). He wanted to see what he was looking at to try and restore the house. It has been there since before the civil war. He hired an engineering firm that specializes in restoring old buildings. They would not give him any idea of what had to be done. I think so they can string him along for more of his liberal college professor money.

Anyways, they told him he was going to have to make major changes in the roof and trusses otherwise a wind could come along and blow the place right over.........

Think about this, it is standing there well over 150 years and now we have to worry it was not build strong enough to withstand the winds in the area?????????

Something is wrong with this picture.... I hope your barn is strong enough to withstand the winds and building inspectors....
@duluthralphie I only really felt like I lost something special when I lost Lesle LuLu and Zeus. All my birds are special to me but When I lose them now I just feed them to the eagles or burn them...

Speaking of eagles. I had a beautiful bald fly right over my head today. I love those birds so much! I'm glad they have never tried snacking on my birds!
Spent the day removing steps into the garage and replacing them with a ramp . This had been planned ahead of DW falling . So I come in and go back out and forget no steps or ramp . So took a fall . No real damage . Grandson was helping and he nearly did the same . Ramp is done . So no more danger .
I love the picture and the barn!

Since ours burned I really want one again.
I don't know if I would survive a barn burn down here....was yours an old soul too? What happened???!
Holm, those are very good photos of your old rock hound. Hope it pulls through.

EMorical, nice barn. Wish I had one to remodel. If you catch any pigeon with a TSR band on it let me know.

Ralphie, you are so good to Judy on her Bday! Hope she has a happy one, and I suspect you will take her out for a special lobster dinner?

.....does it need to be alive?

Also - you can come help remodel ours hehehe
It's got the original milking stantions in it. And never got converted over to anything really modern; so no mice infested insulation/moldy plywood/all that fun stuff to deal with. A genuine blank slate. And yet the hubs still refuses to let me turn it into our house...where's his sense of adventure??

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