Surviving Minnesota!

I'm quoting this article from Pine Hill. Its very well stated!

Pine Hill Silkies
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· March 5 at 5:06pm ·

I get asked this question all the time… why don’t you sell silkie hens? Well, let me answer that question publicly, and on behalf of (most) all silkie breed...ers.. It’s just the nature of the breed.
1) Silkies are naturally very slow to mature. It takes a silkie chick 5 - 8 months to reach maturity. In comparison, a meat/production bird is ready for market by 6 weeks of age. A 6-week old bantam silkie is just getting old enough to wean off of heat lamps and is about the size of a 2-week old LF bird.
2) Silkies are not known for being great egg layers… Many hens will only lay about 30 - 40 eggs per year, taking many breaks in between to go broody, which stops egg production for weeks to months at a time.
3) It is very hard to determine a silkie chicks sex until they reach maturity… As stated above, that can be half of a calendar year. Not only are they slow to mature, their walnut combs look identical at a young age.. meaning a boy chick looks just like a girl chick. In comparison, a single-comb breed cockerel's comb will stand up higher and be redder in color in as little as 2 weeks of age. That allows a breeder to cull out all the boys from a growout pen, allowing extra space for just females… Not so in silkies. They truly all look alike.
4) The only reliable, proven way to sex a silkie is a DNA swab test. Currently, the cost of each test is at least $25.00 for each bird tested. This makes it very cost prohibitive… Most DNA sexed silkie pullets sell for $75.00 each. If someone tells you they can sex a 2 month old silkie, they may also try and sell you ocean front property in Arizona. Buyer beware.
5) Pen size makes raising a large number of silkies difficult for the backyard breeders… Because boys look just like girls, breeders are forced to feed a mixed flock of birds until sexual maturity - around 6 months of age.. That’s a lot of feed, shaving, medical attention (mite treatment, wormer etc) and space, for a long period of time.. *With absolutely no guarantee that any of the grow-outs will be female.
Currently, my largest grow-out pens will hold about 10 full sized silkies … Given a 50/50 ratio, (often is 3 to 1 boys), at best half the pen will end up being boys, That’s only 4 - 5 pullets out of every 10 birds.. If I hold back 2 or 3 pullets for show or to replace my own stock, that leaves 1 or 2 birds to sell and around 5 or 6 cockerels (that I can’t give away because nobody wants boys). So breeders, like myself, will sell pairs on occasion, but even then, I just don’t have enough stock to supply all the requests for hens and pullets.
My advise is to purchase a bunch of silkie chicks, from a reputable breeder and raise them out just like I have to do.. Cull your cockerels and keep your pullets and in a year's time… you’ll have hens… That’s what us breeders have to do… It’s slow, it’s costly, it’s a lesson in patience.. But in the end, you’ll have silkie hens that suddenly are a hot commodity!
I need to get some Bielefelder chicks!! The rooster is older and i don't want him to drop dead and have no eggs.
Hopefully I can set some this weekend and next week from the pair.
So if my chick sexing skills are right I have 2 male and 5 female Doms in this hatching. I went by head spot and leg coloring. 2 definite males and 4 positive females one is iffy but I am leaning female. Perfect hatch I think! Better than straight run at most hatcheries!
If you received the Dom's from Ralphie.... then Ralphie has a good set of hens throwing lots of females. We purchased chicks from him.....and if I remember right I said we will take all 6. We ended up with 4 hens and 2 roos. - not bad odds.
BC to answer your question. It is 47 degrees at the moment and the sun is shining, and I believe the next couple of days will be warmer.
the wind has been off the lake the last couple days. It should be quite nice I think, but there is an old adage that must always be kept in mind here, " It's colder by the lake "!

Beautiful day for the birds, and they are out free ranging and enjoying life. I am goofing off and not getting much accomplished. I hope I am not taking up Ralphie's mind set !!

Forgot to ad that the quote from Pine Hill Silkies which Destiny posted reinforces in my mind the thought that silkies are not really chickens. There is little redeeming value in keeping those critters.
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Hey all,

Sorry I have not been on as much as normal. I am way behind in my work so I am quick on and off in the morning. I read and seldom type while I have a quick coffee.

I have to get my hatchery build and chickens tested this month, I am weeks behind on spring work.

I had 6 deer eating my new fruit trees yesterday evening. So much for pears and apples this year.

I wonder what the odds are of someone shooting them and not going to jail.........

I have to agree silkies are not chickens I suggest everyone own a silver laced Pollack instead.

My newest Pollack rooster is as dumb as the last one. I think he tried to attack me through the fence. This is not good for his long term health outlook.

I have 4 turkey eggs in the hatcher, one pipped externally yesterday, no movement since. Today is hatch day. I have my fingers crossed on them. I will be putting chicken eggs into the hatcher tomorrow night so they better hurry and pop out.

I planted Legbar eggs yesterday, I will plant the other eggs tonight. I am trying to see if I can get a better hatch by putting the legbars in a day early. They seem to be a day or 2 late when I hatch with the others. I have to pull the first chicks out and they are still hatching so I end up with heat wrap shrinking on so many legbars. With luck this will end that problem.

Back to work, Bye
For those of you that use bands on your chicks, what size do you use?

Good luck with those eggs, Ralphie!

I am using a new system this year, I have 3 different sizes of the plastic bands with the large numbers on them. But they tend to fall off.

I have used the zip/cable ties with numbers but the number wears off and you can't see the number after a few months.

I am going to multiple colored cable ties with a code like is used on electrical resistors to give me their number. I hope this works.
I am back inside,

I think I am down 3 EE's this evening. I have 3 broodies, 2 sitting on rotten eggs and one sitting on a golf ball.

I thought I saw a coyote in the pasture today but I never got a second look at it to see if it really was one. I doubt a coyote would come into the yard with me out there 95% of the day, It is more likely I have 3 hens sitting on stolen nests somewhere.

Tomorrow I get to start all over again trying to catch up on the Spring work, so I can get to the summer wor I did not get done last year....

Something not right about the way I am doing retirement..
Okay - there went a bald eagle down the river. I went outside and there was a ruckus happening in the top of the oak tree across the highway - two eagles preparing their dinner. The noise stopped pretty fast - sounded like maybe a squirrel - maybe. I lured the flocks into their coops with meal worms. They were very cooperative. The eagles sat in the tree watching me and either they were digesting that portion of their dinner or mad at me for ruining their dinner.
Okay - there went a bald eagle down the river. I went outside and there was a ruckus happening in the top of the oak tree across the highway - two eagles preparing their dinner. The noise stopped pretty fast - sounded like maybe a squirrel - maybe. I lured the flocks into their coops with meal worms. They were very cooperative. The eagles sat in the tree watching me and either they were digesting that portion of their dinner or mad at me for ruining their dinner.

Did you shoot at them, just to scare them away?

( you may want to consult with an Attorney before answering that question...)

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