Surviving Minnesota!

I kicked my Guineas out of their cage and into the yard today. I told them if they are smart they will sleep high in the trees or they will die. I won't be sad over either...

EJB and Jerry... Would you be willing to force your chicken cuddling ways upon them and see if they change?

Bah humbug. Go ahead if you want to play round up the birdies at night and turn your zen back yard of chicken tv into a screech box. Chickens eat ticks too. Well when they want to. And when they are not eating my petunias in the pots.

I need to get up and getchickens ready for their chicken sitters. The 5th wheel clears out at 9. And somewhere in there I promised my boss the mail delivered from town yet.

More later.
Family over since Wednesday and leaving tomorrow. There is only so much I can handle.
I hated my guineas they did not bug the chickens to much but when they did it was awful. Evuntally I had 2 left and I sold them. They did not even wander far or eat any bugs! Our county gravel road is about 100 feet from my coop, thankfully the only people ever on it are us and the school bus sometimes, and ons crazy nieghbor who only comes out during deer season so I haven't had to worry about roadkill... The highway is probably 7 miles straight East of our place so I do not have to worry about that.
Ralphie I think you would like our place excpet for the lack of trees. You drive down into a bowl, and past our first neighbor, cross the first bridge, a few curves, cross the second bridge, curve, cross a cattle guard, cross another bridge, cross a cattle guard, more curves, cross another cattle guard, and then go up a hill and we have our house overlooking the creek bottoms and down the hill about 1200 feet away is the coop. Most of the drive off the highway excpet the first mile or so is creek bottoms. And then to the West of us is all rougher country especially the farthest pasture a lot of it you can only get to on horseback.
Our road is very seclusive though I am pretty sure in the month less then 10 cars have driven by. 2 times by the deputy, 4 by neighbors, 2 by Fedex and not sure on the other 2
Good 1.7" of rain today. Not as much done on the coop as I'd like. Framed the roof in the rain. I'm sure the neighbors think I've lost it.

Do acorns cause any problems for chickens? My run will be adjacent to an oak I'm fond of.

I am amongst oak trees if it was just one oak I would be fond of it. The chickens probably won't eat the acorns unless you roast them first.
Layers, from the pictures you have posted, I would really love your place. I could get use to no trees. Besides I have ancestors from there (South of Belfield) so it would just take my genes a few weeks to remember they are home...:lau

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