Surviving Minnesota!

Hello all

I am alive but not doing great.

I am glad your Dad's surgery went well BC.

Things are just piling up here. We were going to Togo with the kids this coming week. We are not sure we can do that now.

I have to much I have not gotten done here. I find I can only work an hour or so a day, barely enough time to feed the birds.

Getting older is not fun. I hope to go out and sit with Cuddles for a while today and see how the rest are doing.

Anyone else feeding hummingbirds?? I have been going through the sugar water like crazy for over a month and a half! Literally! Thought for sure they would have left by now. Well, the males left about a week to week and a half ago but still have the females. I am filling two feeders every other day! I fear they know something we don't. Never have I seen them take this long to fatten up for the migration and never have I seen them here this late. Hmmmm With the amount of sugar they have consumed I cannot believe they can still fly! :eek:
Ralphie good to see that you have returned to your literary efforts. You have been conspicuous by your absence.
BC good to read your Dad is doing quite well and hope he has a speedy recovery.
ILL it seems that you may be head and shoulders above the rest in more ways than one. Try not to over do it, as you only have one body. Perhaps at your age bionics will be developed to offset medical infirmities.
Ralphie good to see that you have returned to your literary efforts. You have been conspicuous by your absence.
BC good to read your Dad is doing quite well and hope he has a speedy recovery.
ILL it seems that you may be head and shoulders above the rest in more ways than one. Try not to over do it, as you only have one body. Perhaps at your age bionics will be developed to offset medical infirmities.

Anyone else feeding hummingbirds?? I have been going through the sugar water like crazy for over a month and a half! Literally! Thought for sure they would have left by now. Well, the males left about a week to week and a half ago but still have the females. I am filling two feeders every other day! I fear they know something we don't. Never have I seen them take this long to fatten up for the migration and never have I seen them here this late. Hmmmm With the amount of sugar they have consumed I cannot believe they can still fly! :eek:

We have been feeding hummingbrds all spring/summer and they have been chugging the sugar water for a couple weeks now! I also noticed the males are gone now. Two favorite feedrs have to be filled every day but it was twice a day last week or two. We are not as far north as you are so them still here is normal right now, the females and juveniles probably will leave within the next week? Hope to have enough sugar to last that long :D
ejb there has been a bit of concern so far this season in terms of my body mainly ankle. I am going to talk to coach tomorrow on precautions I may need to take in terms of my right ankle. I rolled it about 3 times on Saturday, only bad once the other 2 times were just small. Right now it looks like arch support, and a brace. So far nothing else has been bugging me to much, the extra arch support should help with my current hip and lower back problems.

A picture of one of the blues cages! Never had a bird molt so much

Ralphie nice to hear from you! Hope you get better soon

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