Surviving Minnesota!

Ah yes "farm meetings"!! :) We have those often around here. :)

Ah yes "farm meetings"!! :) We have those often around here. :)

We never have 'farm' meeting unless I planned a new phase on the coop and then he will not be happy until after it gets done and he has the time to add his creativity
: ( you guys are sooooo lucky.

I don't post too often except my two-cent comments. You are all so learned it seems and I am bumbling along. Still, I read and learn and enjoy.
Bogtown you will find genetics is really my hobby . Everything i get interested in I tinker with . I have conversed with berry breeders in the past .Could not get anyone interested in hardier breeding . The money is in commercial growing . All done in warmer areas . It took a long time to learn to grow the seed . The breeders did not seem to know how . I think they had someone else do that job .
Hmm have I exceeded the learn 1 thing a day rule ?

You are allowed to teach more than one thing a day, just know we may not be able to retain more than one thing because of the one thing rule.. BUT do not stop teaching..
Kloppers I would like to get a couple pigs to clear out some poison ivy for me and to take care of some brush in the woods, they would also dig up the junk that has been thrown in the woods for the last 130 years.

I would go with a few corner posts and the metal ones to hold the wire in place. I found in the past pigs hate electric fences and learn fast. BUT I also found I needed to use the insulators that hold the wire about 4 inches from the post or the pigs pile dirt on the fence and escape. They are smart little buggers.
Bogtown you will find genetics is really my hobby . Everything i get interested in I tinker with . I have conversed with berry breeders in the past .Could not get anyone interested in hardier breeding . The money is in commercial growing . All done in warmer areas . It took a long time to learn to grow the seed . The breeders did not seem to know how . I think they had someone else do that job .
Hmm have I exceeded the learn 1 thing a day rule ?
Possibly. Hahaha. But in all seriousness...I was just trying to keep it humble around here when I first posted that. Part of the charm of the thread you see. LOL. Genetics though is not my forte or interest you can say, and I will blame my Alcoholic professor-- fom many moons ago--for it even now. But I do love the beautiful (chickens) and convenient (hardy fruit trees/bushes) results that come from it and I'm sure glad that you are interested in it because I do love those Ameraucana's you helped develop. My heart goes pitter-pat thinking about adding more birds...and Ameraucana's are top on the list. My goals in chickening right now are colorful egg carton with the right comb/ winter hardiness. And if they are eye candy as well: Bonus.

I was looking around for breeds that were winter hardy and one time came across the Iowa Blue I think it was called. What do you know about those or was what I was reading (here on BYC) not accurate for winter hardiness, heritage type, etc?

The Iowa Blues have also peaked my interest. But alas...a brown egg layer I believe.
You are allowed to teach more than one thing a day, just know we may not be able to retain more than one thing because of the one thing rule.. BUT do not stop teaching..
LOL. Very good point, Ralphie.


What are your dates for heading north? Have you decided yet?

What are your dates for heading north? Have you decided yet?

Late June . I have a granddaughter graduating high school in early June . So a trip to Seattle area . I may bring back some interesting berry starts . Failed to get my son to send some . Interested in Salmon berry . Bought some thimble berry plants and Salmon berry seeds . Berry heaven out there .
Yah...your right holm. A whole lot of comb on those Blues. The roosters are gorgeous though. Seems to be a lot of variation on the hens...and I'm so-so about them...body type-they look a little road runnerish, feathering. For the brown egg I'd want a bit more appeal on the yard ornament end of things hen-wise. Just as a personal observation.

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