Surviving Minnesota!

HI all. Still alive. I made it through the holidays, working. I have fired myself again from the stores & back to professional Grandma. All 3 boys tire me out by the end of the day. I had got the new coop finished & he flock separated. Only issue is when it was wired, the outlets are on the timer also. I turn the lights off by unscrewing the bulbs. I'm hoping to get that fixed next week. I had an alpaca get meningil worms in January. It had to have come from the hay. I got another Aussie, this time a Red Heeler (Cattle Dog). Already found his passion, frisbees! Take care everyone.

Good to hear from you!! Don't be such a stranger we miss your company! Take care Grandma!
Hi Aussie thank you for checking in. Sounds like you are steady busy.

Kloppers the best winter thing you can do for chickens is give them space. Behavior-stress-illness prevention. Space is your friend.
I've been spending my evenings reading a couple of books instead of iPad time. I like Amy Tan & just finished Paulo Coelho 'The Witch of Portobello'. I'm trying to get through David Sedaris again, but it's not my cup of tea. Basically my library has been complaining that it's neglected.
I've been spending my evenings reading a couple of books instead of iPad time. I like Amy Tan & just finished Paulo Coelho 'The Witch of Portobello'. I'm trying to get through David Sedaris again, but it's not my cup of tea. Basically my library has been complaining that it's neglected.

Heck, I have only heard of one of those 3. Now I feel like a genious. rolf
I've been spending my evenings reading a couple of books instead of iPad time. I like Amy Tan & just finished Paulo Coelho 'The Witch of Portobello'. I'm trying to get through David Sedaris again, but it's not my cup of tea. Basically my library has been complaining that it's neglected.

I think we all need to do that sometimes
Heck, I have only heard of one of those 3. Now I feel like a genious. rolf

When it's cold cloppers I have a smidgeon of frost on the wing in which the hen's tuck their heads.  Is that what you're talking about or is it significantly more frost. ...Like say frost on a pumpkin? 

In the last few mornings many of hens in that coop have Ruffles feathers in a spot on their back with frost on the feathers. Buck usually has several spots. Either he moves his head around or some hens nestle into him.the hens in the other coop don't seem to have this happen
OK I think Ralphie will burst soon if he has to keep KEEPING my secrets,, but yes he is very good at it... And Aussie Girl doesn't let anything phase her,, OK here it is just to get it out there,,, Yes i got the farm i went with VA loan and they are little more strict then conventional so there was couple things that need to be done.. Guess that is good.. I finally signed all the papers and my current home gets put on the market tomorrow,, fingers xx`ed it sells quick that would be nice.. I found out I might have cancer AGAIN that part sucks but this will be my 5th time going around with this Bi$&h.. but this time might be a little more serious..seems to get harder and harder to keep fighting her but guess i can do it ONE MORE TIME if i have to.. I see the surgeon tomorrow to discuss the bone biopsy procedure. ohh and I got MARRIED yesterday... LOL... thought Ralphie for sure would bust a seam keeping that one quiet. I know it seems fast i just started dating him BUT ive known him over 30 years and have been best friends with him forever. I guess i just jumped.. why waste time when you know something is right...i know its only been 2 1/2 years since my husband died but i know how easy life can change. Ive been very fortunate to have 2 great men fall in love with me.. It did sorta break my heart when i looked over at my son when i was getting married and seen him crying i almost stopped the wedding to go hug him,, but he said he was happy for me and he was just missing his dad.. Im sure it was little hard on him but he knows his dad loved my new husband. NEW HUSBAND,,,LOL ... didnt think i would be doing that again,, But 1 kiss and i was lost... SO thats what ive been doing... :)

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