Surviving Minnesota!

Judy is off work today,,

I love it when she is off work, I hear the door opening all day long and her yelling " GET OFF THE DECK!"..

Today she accused me of not keeping them off the deck when she is at work... Of course I told her I never let them up there.
I do not have any cow pictures to share. they were laying down when I got out there and you couldn't see a rootin tootin thing! So I went to the coop and snapped a couple for you just to keep things chicken round here.

The Blue Cochin Rooster 1st picture with flash on camera 2nd with out. He is super nice!

BLR Wyandotte is making a rent payment and the EE just has to be involved with any goings on in the boxes. :)
Cochin are such good looking birds. I really need to get some and try harder to keep them alive.

I brought 3 nice warm Creamette eggs into the house and managed to break on in a Senior moment... Dang that ticks me off!
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