Surviving Minnesota!

I'm hoping he'll settle a bit with a couple more ladies.

I have several roosters too. An old guy, even older than myself or EJB, told me the wrong number of roosters is 2. If you get a third they watch each other more than the hens.

I have one bunch with a dozen or more young roosters and no problems.
DS mowed tonight. Our hay field needed it bad. This allowed me to fix the 7 ankle breaker Sadie holes that I got a lawn tractor tire stuck in last week. I have them seeded and then encircled in chicken wire so as hens can remain free range and not eat the seed. Sigh. It’s not as easy as putting in dirt and topping with grass seed.

Got into one flower bed. Weeding and cleaning out. More to do but it already looks better out there. The peonies are going to be blooming soon. Poppies started this week. Irises too.

My welsummer hen Patsy seems to be leading the hens . She does a good job from what I can see. And she’s pretty vocal. We’ll await our young cockerel as he grows in the brooder. The chicks are pretty skiddish yet. But am training with mealworms and June bugs.
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Good morning .... still alive here. My boss resigned effective immediately at work so there was some additional duties dropped on my plate in a quick hurry. So little time to chat on here. Today is testing day as the inspection is Monday at 8 am. I hired 2 neighbor kids to help out, they are tickled pink to catch chickens and watch Camboy77 clean out pens.

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