Surviving Minnesota!

Cripes, it appears that you just can't put up a hive and the bees will go in there on their own. It appears you need a queen of some sort. It doesn't appear that the queen will just show up either? I may be reading up on this for a couple years, i've got alot to learn!

I wonder where the bees in my yard go to at night and over the winter?
Well this is one I found from WI. Not the one my BIL used I know. But just for reference I suppose.
Well, we are slowly recovering from our couple of inches of snow! :gig
Didn't seem to bother my chickens or turkeys. Turkeys loved it!

We get tractor trailers full of bee hives show up down here in the fall. The commercial bee guys winter them here. You'll see hundreds of hives lining the fields through out the winter. Then haul them back north to pollinate crops.
Rhetts is momma cow making a tending call yet?? What is the cows name?? It will be easier to say than mama cow.
Well, we are slowly recovering from our couple of inches of snow!

Didn't seem to bother my chickens or turkeys. Turkeys loved it!

We get tractor trailers full of bee hives show up down here in the fall. The commercial bee guys winter them here. You'll see hundreds of hives lining the fields through out the winter. Then haul them back north to pollinate crops.

I have heard that they winter the bees in other warmer states. I suppose shipping them is a better odds of trying to keep them insulated/warm enough out in the fields here.

Glad your state of emergency wasn't as bad as they predicted. :) I was in South Carolina one February and they had a tiny bit of snow fall. Well, lets just say the locals didn't handle it well while us Northern folk were in our element and drove all over the place with no troubles. :)
Rhetts is momma cow making a tending call yet?? What is the cows name?? It will be easier to say than mama cow.

My brother in laws didn't name her. DD said she needed a name. She calls her Caramel (car-mel). We differentiate them by physical features. One has eye liner and one does not. The one really close has no eye liner.

She isn't making any actual vocal noises yet. She is sighing a lot or exhaling loudly quite a bit. Yesterday she looked like she was peeing and pooing more and arching her back off and on with out going to the bathroom. Today I don't think she has eaten as much. But is still drinking. I was watching her some this afternoon and there were no visible contractions but her loud breathing is happening more and more as the night goes on. I have a baby monitor on so I can hear them with out going out there.
She will start going to the bathroom every few minutes when she is about to calve from the pressure of the calf coming. They stop eating the day they calve usually.

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