Surviving Minnesota!

Lots of rain and very strong wind today. Big Quaking Aspen came down over the driveway so was out in the rain to saw up and move it out of the way.

I got home last night to find a huge birch in 10' sections all across the driveway. Haven't looked this morning, but I'm sure I've got branches/limbs everywhere. Thankfully this wind happened now, not when all the leaves were still on.

Forecast is predicting snow this morning, whee.
Good Morning All,
The wind has been tolerable in Central MN.....the rain on the other hand can stop anytime! We are swamped everywhere. My backyard normally drains pretty well but it is a wet mess. The birds want nothing to do with going outside...can't blame them. We are getting ready for the big Minnesota Get Together.....The MN Poultry Association show in Hutchinson. Thirty birds washed but only 26 get to go with to the show. I hope to meet up with a bunch of you.

My kids will be showing birds in the junior show and participating in showmanship. I will be sipping coffee and talking chicken with the elders of this fancy. I have a lot to learn if I want to get these Buckeyes back on track and in any condition to win the American Class. (I know I have my work set out for me but a woman has to dream!)

In other news - the Minnesota youth hunt was pretty successful. My husband and father in law took my 2 kids and my nephew out over the long weekend. My son and nephew both shot their first deer. My poor daughter has not been so lucky, she is always in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think the best part of the youth hunt was that the adult mentor did not have to worry about bagging their own deer they only had to focus on the kid. Hopefully, other adult mentors had the same feelings. I do wish it would have been a bit cooler for the actual harvest/butchering of the meat but all in all it was a great program especially in the intensive harvest regions of the state.

That one Marans girl is trying to outdo herself each day. She’s pegged the scale now.

The smaller egg is an extra-large.

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