Surviving Minnesota!

Hmmm. It looks like BYC has done a new look again. We can see mobile emojis now? Wowser. Rit rrr BYC.

Beautiful and more white outside. We're in for more accumulations. By the end of the week the snowfall tallies for this weekend's precip is saying 14 new inches...? Is that what everybody else is getting too? I got only glimpse of a snowfall total map.

Chickens: In the run. comfortable. Probably bored to pieces. Long winter.... 3 Pullets continue to lay.
So when I get my garden a going I'm thinking cattle panels to keep chickens and deer out. And then I'll have to wrap some fencing around bottom for bunnies. I'm going to look up what you are doing there with making that cattle panel more sturdy.
I've seen some peope put a top wire several more feet up with flag tape just to indicate there is something more there I suppose and I see it's quite elevated. Darn things.

Mom and Dad Ran two strands of electric fence on a solar sourced zap machine. And The deer stayed out. It wasn't very high either. They had one lower for bunnies. At about 6 inches. Top one was about hip height. I suppose it was sort of newish to those deer and they didn't know What the heck to think. (These aren't Ag savvy deer up here, I'm thinking)
Jerry we're getting -20 temps tonight my weather channel app says. That's about 8 degrees off what I found last cold snap -28 in Up North at the Cabin terms. IDK....we'll see. My 17 year old snow blower guy is hanging out in the house with the sniffles. I might have to fire up the thing on my own....
I've seen some peope put a top wire several more feet up with flag tape just to indicate there is something more there I suppose and I see it's quite elevated. Darn things.

Mom and Dad Ran two strands of electric fence on a solar sourced zap machine. And The deer stayed out. It wasn't very high either. They had one lower for bunnies. At about 6 inches. Top one was about hip height. I suppose it was sort of newish to those deer and they didn't know What the heck to think. (These aren't Ag savvy deer up here, I'm thinking)
Keep thinking your deer aren’t that savvy...:lau:lau

I did not pick the name Minnesota kangaroos by accident... We need an 8 month season and 47 deer limit on them..
Deer haven’t jumped my garden fence either and it’s only 5 feet high, I have chicken wire fencing on the lower part to keep out the bunnies but I really really don’t like it because weeds get caught between and it’s hard to get them out! I need new fencing but I’m not sure what to do.
Deer haven’t jumped my garden fence either and it’s only 5 feet high, I have chicken wire fencing on the lower part to keep out the bunnies but I really really don’t like it because weeds get caught between and it’s hard to get them out! I need new fencing but I’m not sure what to do.
I wish we had those non-jumping deer here.
Morning and a cold one for everyone . Ralphie I think I see a solution to your deer problem . You need to shoot them . A special deer garden should help . Since they like gardens . Something hardy be alive during firearm season . Rye and rape are 2 that should work or deer clover . Sit on the deck to hunt or inside where it is warm .:D

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