Surviving Minnesota!

I saw a snow image from Deer Lodge MT looked like 5 inches of snow!

Found maggots in some oyster mushrooms. Pitched.

Still got my 10 birds. Sentry leading them. Mosquitos are amazing! But we got some dragonflies last week and they’re doing serious work. Chickens love dewy morning dragon flies unfortunately. I always cringe watching my t-Rex birds taking out natural mosquito control. Schites.

Edith one of my Marans has become a PITA not roosting until way late. That big Oompa Loompa is huge on her foraging. Those eggs of hers requires the food I guess. She’s adorable and friendly. but I’d love to not search her out and herd her in at dark thirty.

Ralphie what’s your little gardening SS’s name? What a character!

This graduation thing is a monster in its own right, this week is the party. Have a case of pork shoulder butt coming on Thursday to marinate then smoke Friday. Excited for the numminess not the work.

I’m tired. I want to just sit with chickens
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I saw a snow image from Deer Lodge MT looked like 5 inches of snow!

Found maggots in some oyster mushrooms. Pitched.

Still got my 10 birds. Sentry leading them. Mosquitos are amazing! But we got some dragonflies last week and they’re doing serious work. Chickens live dewy morning dragon flies unfortunately. I always cringe watching my t-Rex birds taking out natural mosquito control. Schites.

Edith one of my Marans has become a PITA not roosting until way late. That big Oompa Loompa is huge on her foraging. Those eggs of hers requires the food I guess. She’s adorable and friendly. but I’d love to not search her out and herd her in at dark thirty.

Ralphie what’s your little gardening SS’s name? What a character!

This graduation thing is a monster in its own right, this week is the party. Have a case of pork shoulder butt coming on Thursday to marinate then smoke Friday. Excited for the numminess not the work.

I’m tired. I want to just sit with chickens

I never named her. I am afraid if I do something will happen to her.

I gardened in peace today, she helped The WW mow lawn.
Jerry or EJB I have a tree question for you. My pear trees had tons of blossoms. More bees than ever yet I cannot find any fruit on them. I know it’s hard to see them when small, but a week ago I saw some. Nothing today.

One apple tree is in the same shape, the other has quite a few. The one without apples has been looking rough for a year or more so that one is no surprise.

It’s been hot and dry, so I suppose that could be part of the issue.

Any ideas?
They do like the grass trimmings. A lot easier on the neck muscles I’m guessing. Does she help push the mower or does she have a rider to steer with her chicken feet?

LOL, That would be funny, Judy is not really into friendly chickens. She doesn’t even believe “deck chickens” are a real thing, even when she is looking right at them.

Of course, my Mother does not believe in “deck chickens” either. We were on her deck the other day when the SS and her boyfriend came up and sat on the deck. When Mom saw them she went nuttier than normal and ran them off.

I told her to leave them alone “their deck chickens”, she said there isn’t no such thing.

How can they deny something they are looking at with their own two eyes.
Jerry or EJB I have a tree question for you. My pear trees had tons of blossoms. More bees than ever yet I cannot find any fruit on them. I know it’s hard to see them when small, but a week ago I saw some. Nothing today.

One apple tree is in the same shape, the other has quite a few. The one without apples has been looking rough for a year or more so that one is no surprise.

It’s been hot and dry, so I suppose that could be part of the issue.

Any ideas?
Blossoms and bees should result in fruit set ? Perhaps in your light and sandy soil there was not adequate moisture to promote fruit development ? I can't think of any other reason.
Blossoms and bees should result in fruit set ? Perhaps in your light and sandy soil there was not adequate moisture to promote fruit development ? I can't think of any other reason.
That’s my guess, I mistakenly thought they would be rooted enough to not need watering.

We have lilacs that are older than I am, they have bloomed every year as I recall except this year. There were maybe 4 blooms on the whole bush.

I could not find any motels either, I assume that was all because of the dryness we have had here.
That’s my guess, I mistakenly thought they would be rooted enough to not need watering.

We have lilacs that are older than I am, they have bloomed every year as I recall except this year. There were maybe 4 blooms on the whole bush.

I could not find any motels either, I assume that was all because of the dryness we have had here.
I bet you were looking out in the woods.

I can never find a motel out in the woods either. Wet or dry. 💁


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