Surviving Minnesota!

Looks like a great day of hunting! We have a “you kill it you clean it” rule that’s strictly enforced. We hunt and process our deer with DH’s sister and BIL and our nephews and sons. Anything else gets cleaned by the hunter/fisherman. This rule was implemented shortly after we got married. I was young and naive and knew how to clean ducks and pheasants, so at first I would offer to clean whatever we got when we hunted. But then he’d go out in the morning, kill something and leave it on the doorstep without even asking me to take care of it. That’s when “the rule”’went into effect. I will still sometimes offer to clean a bird or two, and he’ll sometimes ask and I’ll do it, but they don’t just get dropped off anymore. I have never learned how to fillet a fish, but I think that’s OK.

I was about 7 years into the marriage when I helped clean some walleyes on a Canadian trip. DH about dropped his shore lunch set up along with his jaw.
I grew up on a fishing resort. Filleting perch, sunnies and rock bass to feed grandpa’s gray tabby cat while she nursed her broken pieces seemed to be a good reason to learn in the 4th grade.
He didn’t abuse my talents too much but I do recall a bucket of half frozen crappies being brought into the kitchen while he scrambled back to the fish house to complete his poker game and case of beer. Felt wrong and told him they’ll rot in the garage next time before I do them for a poker game.
Never let them see you know how to use the screwdriver, pliers or a hammer. Lol. Same deal there!

the kitten is a delight/Pita.

pearl and Loretta’s farm: well the new chicken lady likes pearl even at 4 1/2. She keeps the eggs warm with Feathers a Brahma of the same age. Or they are sick of the barnyard romancing. However Bob has decided to check them out in the coop now.


congrats to the deer hunters.
Erlibird I’m sorry to hear about MIL.
Jerry and Janet I hope you are all on the mend now. DD had a roommate with it at college. But DD never got it. Tricky weird disease.
I have taken precautions around town with masks. Our city council and mayor got it except two council members.
I’ve declined a couple of gal pal coffees and crafting.
my in laws are pretty fragile especially MIL.
idk they say 70% of the positives have 0 symptoms. Nuts.
I’m grateful for rural living though. And we have a lot of newbies in our community that are figuring that out as they transition from the metro. Anybody else getting a lot of new neighbors?
Morning . We had severe storms yesterday evening . Lots of wind , some rain and tornado warnings . No tornados but straight line wind damage in the area .
Good Morning All~
BC nice to see you around. No new neighbors, but there is a larger hobby farm with some acreage that is up for sale nearby. We are watching it closely as this neighbor would share property lines and like any small rural community we like to know who our neighbors are.

Yesterday, we celebrated DH and DS birthdays. I had a nice meal of marinated bacon wrapped venison backstraps, ceasar salad, warm bread and spinach dip all planned out. Then I get the call....."How far away are you with the truck?" "Nevermind we will haul it to grandpa's with the ranger, it will be late." Ten minutes later....."Can you make the meal at Grandma & Grandpa's we need to haul out a deer?"

Someone....not mentioning any names (@camboy77 ) allowed our son to fill his final bonus tag on his birthday.

End result we were able to share a tasty meal with Grandpa, Grandma and a few cousins. Success even if it meant a little altering of plans.

Speaking of successes, 16 year old DD successfully navigated to school on these horrendously icy roads with 7 inches of snow. Her Road report....Roads were terrible here, here, here and here, I saw 2 cars in the ditch and one school bus versus car accident in a roundabout. So that leaves about 1 mile of nice roads. While, I am not an advocate of this distance learning models, I am thankful that she will not be asking me to drive to school through mid January as she will be distance learning.
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I didn’t get a deer again, however, I am only going to shoot one if it has 9 points or more.

My hunting partner got a small buck at 5:10 pm. I told him not to shoot a small one. If it does not have 9 points leave it out there.... otherwise, youknowwho will be unbearable come ice fishing time....
Jerry, sorry to hear your still under the weather. Be careful we have our age working against us, if with our fine Herculean physique.

I am one of the most unlucky people alive. I spent 4 1/2 days in the man cave deer stand. Yesterday, I came in for noon lunch and do some work. I was in for about 2 hours.

I went back out but decided to take a different path. I saw some deer tracks right by the house. About 70 ft from the
House a buck made a scape in the new snow. Tracks galore, so instead of going to man cave, I sat in a stand I have on my ancestral hunting grounds about 150 yards from the house. It is a primitive stand. No walls even, I froze my arse off for 4 hours. Nothing!

about 4:00pm I got a text from my hunting partner, he said there was a huge buck, far larger than the little one that Oz kid scared to death, standing in front of the man cave. He could see it but it was out of his range.

I hate deer hunting!
Jerry, sorry to hear your still under the weather. Be careful we have our age working against us, if with our fine Herculean physique.

I am one of the most unlucky people alive. I spent 4 1/2 days in the man cave deer stand. Yesterday, I came in for noon lunch and do some work. I was in for about 2 hours.

I went back out but decided to take a different path. I saw some deer tracks right by the house. About 70 ft from the
House a buck made a scape in the new snow. Tracks galore, so instead of going to man cave, I sat in a stand I have on my ancestral hunting grounds about 150 yards from the house. It is a primitive stand. No walls even, I froze my arse off for 4 hours. Nothing!

about 4:00pm I got a text from my hunting partner, he said there was a huge buck, far larger than the little one that Oz kid scared to death, standing in front of the man cave. He could see it but it was out of his range.

I hate deer hunting!
Of all the rotton luck!!

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