Surviving Minnesota!

Hi All. Lots of reading to catch up on Always... been busy even in this cold weather, trying to reroof the top of a barn not an easy job but atleast im not doing this project by myself.. I had a chicken die yesterday. I went to coop to open door and poor Lucy was laying on bottom of roost i didnt know if she was just laying there so i walked up to pet her and realized she was dead.. Poor thing she was just fine the day before not sure what happened.. So now im down to 5 layers and only 2 EE.. Ive been on a Turkey hunt last couple days Porter the turkey and his 3 girls i got from Ralphie finally got some freedom. I finally let them out of their pen to free range and they decided to go roaming. i finally found them (minus 1 girl) yesterday about a mile away. they found themselves a swamp area. Loads of fun that was trying to get them home. I was hopping streams going through thorn bushes, Lost my boot when it sank in the mud i had to put my bare foot in the mud so i could get enough leverage to pull the boot out,,, that was loads of fun yes my vocabulary by this point wasnt the best.. I was swearing at Ralphie to come get his Da*n turkeys or let the coyotes eat them...i was hoping he heard me from 15 miles away... LOL...So they are finally home and in their coop and on lockdown for about 2 more wks...

Looks and sounds like they have their homing beacons on Coffee....Is that the direction to Ralphie's Banana Belt? Sorry this happened to you. Chickens who are adopted need to be kept in a coop for a week or two to let them know where their new home is. I cannot imagine adopting a Turkey would be any different and birds that have a strong imprint feature like them might be equally difficult to adopt and get it sunk in where home is.
Jerry I planned on hatching alot to butcher but guess what! My drake hurt his leg and cant move. So he is going to be sleeping in a kennel in my bedroom. I am going to save eggs for another week and thats it. I have 20 I think saved up already. So I moght have a trio of Pekin hens available if my drake doesnt pull through.
Did anyone else spot the oxymoron in the above sentence...

Hey! If u cross a Muscovy over other types of ducks they will be sterile and are called mule ducks!! Even ask Jerry!

Oh nevermind I see it now
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