Surviving Minnesota!

Bogtown, it is starting out cooler today but is clear at this time. The forecast calls for clouding over and possibility of rain. I hope it is warmer here but that would be unusual.
My chickens are free ranging and up to this time I have not had hawk problems due to ravens nesting nearby. The ravens chase hawks away, and although the ravens were chasing and killing my pigeons last summer they seem to have grown tolerant of them now. I hope that I have not jinxed myself by posting this.

Ralphie must be sleeping in or be taking his mom on a trip to where they can't recall and for what they can't recall?
Ralphie has been pretty industrious with his NPIP status and vet visit preps, etc. I wonder what project he's working on. Perhaps a bed room addition to the house for those extra 100 chicks. DW may be on the warpath with all the incubating & brooding. He may have had to leave the banana belt for safety concerns.
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Whenever I see crows or ravens flying above I smile to myself. We have small hawks around lately as they like to harass the nesting pairs of woodies and mallards setting in the two potholes next to the house. They are also getting flushed by the Labrador pup. Poor things don't have a chance to nest here. Working on the dog... It's steady work...
Rain keeps missing me . Clouds breakup and disappear before they get here . Gave the new chicks to a broody hen to raise . Did some mowing yesterday . Starting out sunny with a chance of rain tonight .
@holm25 here are some pictures of her bag today's.
She also has an uneven bag.




When was she dried up? If they told u? She looks like she has some milk in there! When u see big veins like that in a bag u can bet theres milk in there.
Me too klop. Lots and lots of grass shoot grazing going on. Turning over dead leaves. They are busy birds and I love it. They are in their element. That is why I dislike winter so much for them. It almost seems an unnatural season. Although they do seem to rest their bodies during this time and fatten up keeping their feathers in shape and warming toes on the roosts. Come June they'll look thinner from running around.

Daisy laid her egg on the roost this morning. Ugh. Fell on the poop board and cracked. What a silly girl.

She was probably protesting not getting to lay in the broody hutch!
Bogtown, it is starting out cooler today but is clear at this time. The forecast calls for clouding over and possibility of rain. I hope it is warmer here but that would be unusual.
My chickens are free ranging and up to this time I have not had hawk problems due to ravens nesting nearby. The ravens chase hawks away, and although the ravens were chasing and killing my pigeons last summer they seem to have grown tolerant of them now. I hope that I have not jinxed myself by posting this.

Ralphie must be sleeping in or be taking his mom on a trip to where they can't recall and for what they can't recall?


I was outside, feeding chicks and setting up pens... I made a little Boo-boo and have way more chicks than I thought I would. I had one brief senior moment and am paying for it now....

Shhhh BC you weren't suppose to tell them about the extras.. I need a swap meet fast to get rid of some of these.. I must have 100 BA alone.
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I was outside, feeding chicks and setting up pens... I made a little Boo-boo and have way more chicks than I thought I would.  I had one brief senior moment and am paying for it now....  

Shhhh BC  you weren't suppose to tell them about the extras.. I need a swap meet fast to get rid of some of these.. I must have 100 BA alone.

Perham is going to have a sale coming up. But not for another month or so.
Rain keeps missing me . Clouds breakup and disappear before they get here . Gave the new chicks to a broody hen to raise . Did some mowing yesterday . Starting out sunny with a chance of rain tonight .

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