Surviving Minnesota!

I wonder if they are switching over to Red Ranger type hybrids instead? I dont see that going fully mainstream, only the foodie types. The average American likes their breast meat and likes it cheap.

I was thinking the same thing or the Dixie Rainbows. I am thinking of ordering some of them and make a self sustaining flock of them. If I pass the inspection and can become a hatchery I would try to raise and/or sell "chemical free" chicks plus raising my own broilers.

One of my worries is my last remaining CX hen. Bert Jr tore her thighs all to pieces. It looks like someone took a large piece of fillet out of each thigh. I did clip Bert's toes afterwards. She has not laid an egg since the incident. She seems to be getting along fine just looks terrible. I thought about culling her before the vet saw her, then decided against it as long as she is healing fine. I will just tell her what happened and that they are a failed experiment. Hopefully, she will understand.

I have a CX, I froze after it died in a life trap, I know you are suppose to dispose of dead birds, I am not sure if bait in a life trap is disposing. It is way out of sight about 250 yards from my coops. My birds never go there, so I hope that is ok. I also have some eggs in a life trap in the woods about 150 yards from the coops. If there are critters around, I would rather keep them there.
[COLOR=333333]Jerryse made one of last week's top posts with his Bird sexing photo. Good job Jerry...even though it is totally unreliable way to sex birds in my humble opinion. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333]Jerry Good job on the post! A helpful post like that is appreciated by us all. Sexing can be so hard to do. [/COLOR] Thank you . It made me smile when I first saw it . My computer skills are growing . I figured out how to get things copied off other sites .
How do I access the video?
I was thinking the same thing or the Dixie Rainbows.  I am thinking of ordering some of them and make a self sustaining flock of them.  If I pass the inspection and can become a hatchery I would try to raise and/or sell "chemical free" chicks plus raising my own  broilers. 

One of  my worries is my last remaining CX hen. Bert Jr tore her thighs all to pieces. It looks like someone took a large piece of fillet out of each thigh.  I did clip Bert's toes afterwards. She has not laid an egg since the incident. She seems to be getting along fine just looks terrible.  I thought about culling her before the vet saw her, then decided against it as long as she is healing fine. I will just tell her what happened and that they are a failed experiment. Hopefully, she will understand.

I have a CX, I froze after it died in a life trap, I know you are suppose to dispose of dead birds, I am not sure if bait in a life trap is disposing. It is way out of sight about 250 yards from my coops. My birds never go there, so I hope that is ok.  I also have some eggs in a life trap in the woods about 150 yards from the coops.  If there are critters around, I would rather keep them there.

I may have some second generation rainbows on the ground already. I sent some eggs to my aunt and she has about 18 chicks that are sired by Conrad. They could be rainbow over rainbow, BA, RIR, or dark Cornish. She has sent me some blurry photos so I'm not sure what is what but there were blackish ones and reddish ones for sure.
I may have some second generation rainbows on the ground already. I sent some eggs to my aunt and she has about 18 chicks that are sired by Conrad. They could be rainbow over rainbow, BA, RIR, or dark Cornish. She has sent me some blurry photos so I'm not sure what is what but there were blackish ones and reddish ones for sure.

I would love some of your eggs, But I cannot take them unless we test all your birds and make you a NPIP flock.

Once I get the testing credentials, I would be glad to test yours if you wanted.

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