Surviving Minnesota!

Leave the buckets without holes fill them with boiling water and wax and they should clean up nicely...

I cannot believe on a Minnesota thread I read about people eating Carp, Suckers and Red Horses...I thought I was scraping the bottom of the barrel when I said I have eaten bullheads... Heck I am still in Lobster territory when we throw those other fish in!

No way! They're too dang cute.

DH's family eat Dogfish. That's where I draw the line.
Ralphie This whole inspection deal has really thrown you into 5th gear! with your rennovations.

I too have been feeling ambitious. I really want to get into my vegetable garden since it was over grown with weeds last fall and needs careful attention to get out all those weeds and seeds. I want to burn it but there's a huge swamp with ample dry fuel right next to it. I'd be on DH's Poo-poo- list if I had all his Volunteer Fire fighter friends were out fighting a fire we started.

I'm afraid it's yank and pull and dig for me. The fencing let in a rabbit early on and is in need of repair. IDK...I may just work on that area closer to the house instead...or maybe first. As that was an original plan for me this winter. I need to get my Mosquito dunks out too. This warm weather is bound to put a bug or two in the atmosphere. Frogs are chirping away. I LOVE that sound....

I am off to Park Rapids for DS Golf Match. I'm excited to see him play. TTYL Chickeneers.
BC the pictures do not do Ivie's place justice. The setting is amazing, If they sleep walk out their backdoor they will fall into the Elk River! She will see a lot of me their this spring as I am going to try and fish it there. I have fished closer to Elk River (the city) but have wanted to fish it where the St Francis and Elk River join. (Now I bet that bored a lot of you.)

I have moved yesterdays hatch into the MHP nursery. I was worried how turkeys would do...I have pictures and the whole story here:


They may even turn Nathan and Holm away from ducks!

Speaking of ducks, I might have taken a little poetic license when discussing the prostate exam for ducks. The state does require a rectal exam of them for NPIP. But it is with a swab. We have to use the swab to enter and circle the whole inside the butt a couple times then there is a little "hump" or bend in the canal we have to go just over that and pull the swab out and send the "stuff" into the state for a lab test.

Because Ducks are nothing more than a festering floating petri dish of disease they require all ducks be checked for AI. Waterfowl are the only ones that need this test....

Because I knew Holm needed the Exhibition Certificate and I was going to do it for him, I asked to be certified for waterfowl......and let me tell you,,, telling the lady vet that JJ was hitting on, I wanted to be certified for ducks was a hard thing to do! She taught me the ducks stuff, Using some poor innocent chickens for the exam.. I have 6 chickens that refuse to even look me in the eye now... I picked up a screw driver yesterday and Muffin ran from the shed shrieking!

Do not forget to look at the pictures,,,

time to go to work...Cya
I've never said the innerds of ducks were pretty, but they certainly are not festering disease piles! If they are, then why are ducks almost disease free compared to chickens? Do you need to do a rectal exam to bring ducks to a county fair?

I think you are right, but it would have to be total darkness. We were told at the NPIP school it only takes about a 20 watt light or more for 14 hours a day for them to lay. Also it would take about 2 weeks for the lack of light to accomplish anything, I think.
Really? I've always heard if the light goes out and hens are without light more than a day it will affect the laying cycle, and if its two days it will affect them up to two weeks!?? I feel like keeping her in total darkness for two weeks would kill her, she would be so depressed.
I've never said the innerds of ducks were pretty, but they certainly are not festering disease piles! If they are, then why are ducks almost disease free compared to chickens? Do you need to do a rectal exam to bring ducks to a county fair? IN all seriousness, They are not more disease free than chickens. If what they teach at the NPIP school is accurate. I think you might be using antidotal evidence which tends to be misleading. There may also be a certain amount of Stoicism in ducks, maybe even more so than in chickens and we just do not notice a sick duck, just a dead duck.

And as antidotal evidence for my view, Typhoid Mary did not think she was sick, even though people dropped dead all around her. Also it should be noted my dislike of Ducks ranks right up there with my dislike of lutefisk and Green Peppers..

Really? I've always heard if the light goes out and hens are without light more than a day it will affect the laying cycle, and if its two days it will affect them up to two weeks!?? I feel like keeping her in total darkness for two weeks would kill her, she would be so depressed.
Again, I was going on antidotal evidence on the egg laying. I know a rooster needs 4 weeks of 12 hours a day to become fully fertile. A hen needs 2 weeks of 14 hours a day, so it stands to reason it would take about the same amount of time for the effects to wear off. However, I readily admit I could be worng on this.
Again, I was going on antidotal evidence on the egg laying. I know a rooster needs 4 weeks of 12 hours a day to become fully fertile. A hen needs 2 weeks of 14 hours a day, so it stands to reason it would take about the same amount of time for the effects to wear off. However, I readily admit I could be worng on this.
I think you may be a little biased against ducks.
I agree they probably are excellent at hiding it. You might be right about it taking that long to wear off, but anyway I don't think I'll have to do it to her. My brother saw her lay a little bit ago and everything was normal and fine.

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