Surviving Minnesota!

I know! I know! Who Pearl is named after! Although I am trying to imagine how Great Grandma would feel about that. I mean I know she was tickled pink when we named our first Kjerstin Pearl just 5 weeks before she passed, but a dog hmmmm. Pearl would probably been her favorite anyway! She was a pretty amazing woman. Trying to figure out how many cord a wood it would take to buy a car nowadays. Ever hear that story Ralphie?
Kloppers we had a doe here recently that had a broken leg.  The skin healed and so must have the supporting ligaments/tendons and other soft tissues.  Because she could work it to some extent.  I saw her for two years like that.  Sort of amazing.  She got along but she definitely had a hitch in her giddy-up.
My guess is she got it sickled off down in crop country down there as Ralphie said, hit by a car or blown off by a slug.  No major predators down there to take advantage of the injury and make it a full amputation, or then some. 
Siggie:  I tried my first year and the wet food clung to waddles giving frost bite.  So I went back to dry food for the winter.  Picked up on fermenting again in the spring, summer, fall when temps weren't nasty and freezing.  I will say that I don't ferment much any more.  I don't have the time to prep, stir or dance around it in the laundry room.  It's a saver for $ though.  That's for sure.

I speculated the idea that it was shot off too. Honestly that seems the most likely right now. And you are right. Probably no predators big enough to cull it from the herd. If the wound is just from this year maybe a pack of yotes would take it down this winter?

It was definitely interesting to see
I know! I know! Who Pearl is named after! Although I am trying to imagine how Great Grandma would feel about that. I mean I know she was tickled pink when we named our first Kjerstin Pearl just 5 weeks before she passed, but a dog hmmmm. Pearl would probably been her favorite anyway! She was a pretty amazing woman. Trying to figure out how many cord a wood it would take to buy a car nowadays. Ever hear that story Ralphie?

Yep, you got it, I knew you would. The wood for car story sounds familiar but your Great Grandpa told me so many stories they all kind of ran together, Some of the stories I heard dozens of times as he rolled his own..

We had a Delta already so we had no choice but to go with Pearl. You should know we had a CLB rooster named Ray but he died this past summer. We named all the roosters after uncles until we got too many roosters.
Yep, you got it, I knew you would.  The wood for car story sounds familiar but your Great Grandpa told me so many stories they all kind of ran together, Some of the stories I heard dozens of times as he rolled his own..

We had a Delta already so we had no choice but to go with Pearl.   You should know we had a CLB rooster named Ray but he died this past summer.   We named all the roosters after uncles until we got too many roosters.

LOL I have a few uncles that could be used for Rooster names. With a family that big how did you ever run out?
I should say just move onto male cousins as some are my uncles.
Or Minnie Pearl?

When my arm was so unceremoniously broken this summer I used one of my Aussies as a pillow to support my arm. Dogs are so handy!

Yey @memphis , I have an aussie too! only he is a black tri. I love aussies. would never keep him just outside though like layers, he is like a baby to me. Dogs love being around their people, especially aussies.

Young roosters seem to just take advantage of the girls. The older guys wait, sometimes too long, it seems to get permission. Weinerhead did his job in seconds. The Dom roosters were extremely fast. Ed and King George did nothing. I replaced King George with two other young guys. I would like to use Cuddles, but I am keeping him inside in an attempt to keep his comb from being damaged.
Do you have other chickens inside with him so he doesn't get depressed? if not, I think you should bring a couple in with him.

Judy: get your broom ready for deck territory squabbles.

This one (thousands of ducks cross the road) still amazes me! Ralphie's dream come true!
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Yey @memphis
, I have an aussie too!  only he is a black tri.  I love aussies.  would never keep him just outside though like layers, he is like a baby to me. Dogs love being around their people, especially aussies.

Do you have other chickens inside with him so he doesn't get depressed?  if not, I think you should bring a couple in with him.

  This one still amazes me!  Ralphie's dream come true!

My dog hates being inside! She'd probably commit suicide inside. There's nothing better then knowing that she watching over my chickens at night.

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