Surviving Minnesota!

And we are playing dairy farmer this weekend. We moved into my sister's for the weekend. They have a 70 cow dairy operation, about 100 head of steers and 30 heifers. We are also in charge of their 2 kids - 2 years and 4 weeks old. This should be good.
First story of the weekend. I'm feeding infant and my 10 year old son and 2 year old nephew come barrerlling in house to use bathroom. Not but a minute later I hear "mom , come quick he just fell in but I can't get him out because He went #2 First. So bath time it was.
First story of the weekend. I'm feeding infant and my 10 year old son and 2 year old nephew come barrerlling in house to use bathroom. Not but a minute later I hear "mom , come quick he just fell in but I can't get him out because He went #2 First. So bath time it was.

Babysitting is so fun!!!

EJB How did our pigeon do?

Did I mention I was bringing you a Pollack?

Jerry, don't laugh I am bringing you and BC one too...That would be one or two each...not between you..

I cannot find my Pollack rooster tonight, I seldom can. He hides well wherever he spends the night.
Babysitting is so fun!!!   :lau

EJB How did our pigeon do?

Did I mention I was bringing you a Pollack?  

Jerry, don't laugh I am bringing you and BC one too...That would be one or two each...not between you..

I cannot find my Pollack rooster tonight, I seldom can. He hides well wherever he spends the night.

I thought you sold all the Pollacks Ralphie? Do you still have more to get rid of?
I managed to hit a deer the other night going 65 mph at 1 am... Well he hit me more than I hit him... He nailed the passenger door but didnt leave a bump.... Dumb dumb dumb...

Put a chick down today... Not growing...

Worked the last two evening to make some extra money...
Chauffeuring complete. Fajitas and pico cleaned up. Dishes done. Finally a comfy sit down on the couch moment to catch up.

MCM you will be busy this weekend.

Ralphie, just what I need. A stressed out pollack with adrenaline coursing through his veins 24-7. That should make for some interesting chicken and noodles.

Holm hitting deer sucks. You feel bad and mad at the same time.
Chauffeuring complete. Fajitas and pico cleaned up. Dishes done. Finally a comfy sit down on the couch moment to catch up.

MCM you will be busy this weekend.

Ralphie, just what I need. A stressed out pollack with adrenaline coursing through his veins 24-7. That should make for some interesting chicken and noodles.

Holm hitting deer sucks. You feel bad and mad at the same time.
And it scares the begeezees out of you!
I thought you sold all the Pollacks Ralphie? Do you still have more to get rid of?
I have or had last night, one rooster, the one that was attacking me while living in the cage, and one hen living in a pen/cage with Ed jr, (my spare PC rooster that won in New Ulm) I hate to get rid of him as he has such good rooster and I want to show him this fall at the PC Nationals in Hutch.

Ed while not a prolific breeder throws so dang nice offspring. Even the third spare (the one going to EJB) is a decent bird, his problem is the duckwings are a tad too light colored.

Chauffeuring complete. Fajitas and pico cleaned up. Dishes done. Finally a comfy sit down on the couch moment to catch up.

MCM you will be busy this weekend.

Ralphie, just what I need. A stressed out pollack with adrenaline coursing through his veins 24-7. That should make for some interesting chicken and noodles. I am glad to here this. I was afraid you did not want a Pollack. When you said it was just what you needed it reassured me bringing you one was the right thing to do..

Holm hitting deer sucks. You feel bad and mad at the same time.

And it scares the begeezees out of you!

They do come out of nowhere, it seems. They can ruin an otherwise pleasant day, and make you late for mushroom hunting.

After hatching all winter I am nearly done. My last full hatch is going on, these chicks are mainly going to the Amish Auction. Along with some older chicks. I ended up with too many EE. I think I will be taking most of those too, Some are nearly POL. Some might be boys. I am not going to add to my EE/layer flock this year. I might let them die off from attrition.

I have 2 white legbars Broody now. They get handled a lot or did so they have little fear of people. Which means reaching into the nest box nearly costs me my fingers. I need to make a place for them. I will give them each a few Legbar eggs to hatch.

When I sorted out my Parent stock the other day of legbars, I thought I had the right ones in there. I am rethinking it now, I see a couple with tail angles too high. Not sure what to do. Jerry what do you think is easier to correct tail angle or Comb? The proposed SOP on Legbar hens is anti Minnesota, they want a large comb, small crest with the comb flopping or folding at the first point like a leghorns does. I think it is a stupid SOP, and have been arguing against it. The legbars look better with a small comb and larger crest IMHO, and they are more cold weather friendly. Calling them a good cold weather bird is a lie with a large comb.

Judy woke up with a terrible headache she says she took 8 Vicodin last night and still hurts. She is proving men are way tougher than women when it comes to illness and pain......

I found a plant on the deck the other day when I got back from the feed mill. From Ivie, I took it in to Judy, and she looked at the card and read her name and said it about 3 times, then said " Oh, your chicken friend"..

So you are all now just my "chicken friends" I thought it was funny as I usually talk about her as "Ivie" with an "i" and not a L. So it took her a bit to figure it out. BTW Thanks Ivie, it was really thoughtful but you didn't need too.....Now I suppose I have to plant it or something. I have no idea what to do with a plant you don't eat and Judy can't care for it yet. BUT I do remember my Grandma having those all over her house, Whatever they are called...

Well, time to finish coffee and get to work..
Good morning all. My list of to dos is big. Take kids out to resort. Clean out a corner of garage for chick brooder. Jerry is coming to town! Just in time: the crappies are biting on The lake.
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