~Survivors of the Savannah~ An African Cat Role Play Always Accepting!

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Name: Ukimya (Silence in Swahili)
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Species: Lion
Pride/Clan(If it applies): Plains
Rank: Hunter
Mate: None yet
Cubs/Pups/Kits: None yet
History: She was once a member of the Forest pride, but moved to the Plains pride when her mother died.
Personality: Silent hunter, quick on her feet, agile

User Name: BantamLover55
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Name: Ukimya (Silence in Swahili)
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Species: Lion
Pride/Clan(If it applies): Plains
Rank: Hunter
Mate: None yet
Cubs/Pups/Kits: None yet
History: She was once a member of the Forest pride, but moved to the Plains pride when her mother died.
Personality: Silent hunter, quick on her feet, agile

User Name: BantamLover55
Name: Kuruka(Swahili for flying)
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Species: Lion
Pride/Clan(If it applies): Plains
Rank: Hunter
Mate: Mfembe
Cubs/Pups/Kits: Naja, Mali
History: She was born a loner and found Plains pride, she is the fastest hunter in the pride
Personality: Witty, clever, sarcastic, caring mother
Username: The ChickenKing

Age: 3 months
Gender: Female
Species: Lion
Pride/Clan(If it applies): Plains
Rank: Cub
Mate: none
Cubs/Pups/Kits: none
History: She was born in Plains pride with her brother, Mali
Personality: playful, energetic, follows her brother around a lot, eager to hunt

User Name: The ChickenKing

Name: Mali
Age: 3 months
Gender: Male
Species: Lion
Pride/Clan(If it applies): Plains
Rank: Cub
Mate: none
Cubs/Pups/Kits: none
History:He was born into Plains pride with his sister, Naja
Personality: Kind, playful, loves to play with his sister, likes to explore
Picture/Description:(Imagine the left ear missing the top half)

User Name: The ChickenKing
Other: He had a birth defect where he was born with half of his left ear, but he does't let that affect him
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