~Survivors of the Savannah~ An African Cat Role Play Always Accepting!

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Chungu sniffed one more time and then took a small piece from the wond his sister had made and chewed with interest.

Kivuli sniffed" They'll get used to it" He said and licked Zaras ruff

Kamaria swallowed her piece with a rather satisfied look and eagerly took another bite.

Zara smiled and rubbed her head against his shoulder.
it seems really cool!)
(Thanks, just read the rules if you haven't already!:):) )
Savannah padded along behind him, ears back a bit
Kufu took a sniff, he could smell a pride to the East, he went to the West, to hopefully find a good piece of land

Kamaria swallowed her piece with a rather satisfied look and eagerly took another bite.

Zara smiled and rubbed her head against his shoulder.
Chungu swallowed tthe piece he took and excitedly went for another, pushing his sister out of the way

Kivuli let out a low rumble of contentment
Kufu took a sniff, he could smell a pride to the East, he went to the West, to hopefully find a good piece of land

Chungu swallowed tthe piece he took and excitedly went for another, pushing his sister out of the way

Kivuli let out a low rumble of contentment
Savannah stopped for a moment to scent the air, nose lifted to the sky. After that, she trotted slowly after Kufu
Kufu took a sniff, he could smell a pride to the East, he went to the West, to hopefully find a good piece of land

Chungu swallowed tthe piece he took and excitedly went for another, pushing his sister out of the way

Kivuli let out a low rumble of contentment

Kamaria stumbled over her paws, but kept herself from falling over. She barged right back in next to Chungu.
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