Sussex NJ Poultry Show

OMG!! Too funny!!

My mother didn't even want to be seen with me.

I can just imagine what complete strangers thought!

Did you have blonde hair? I might have seen you and walked by LOL. I am hoping my grand am will be working by the time the october one starts.
I know where you live
She is totally throwing me under the bus! LOL

I was seriously stylin' with my pink electrical taped hat, thank you very much so. No pics though ... my son dismantled it for me on the way home. We had a few more stops to make, and I wasn't about to advertise my dorkiness all over the place. How dorky can you really be when you're hanging out with a bunch of chicken people?!

TWC was Ms. Discreet with her lil sign on her cage.

NewChickenMomma came right up and said "Nice hat!" I knew she had to be a BYC'er.

And no, I'm not afraid of anyone finding me. If I ever get around to adding photos, there will be some of my son. I'm not one of those folks that believes I'm going to get tracked down by a whackadoodle because of a photo online. I didn't add the name of my town, because I think people may be more familiar with Warren County, than with Knowlton. Who's heard of Knowlton?! The only time Knowlton's in the news it's because a murderer was caught at the truck stop by Route 80, or the occasional dead body in the cemetary. Nobody else out here but the bears and us chickens. And the distinction of the only wolves in New Jersey around the corner from us. We hear them howling often.

Ok TY. I will stick with warren. I think it sounds better then my town which I know no one even heard of. How many of you heard of johnsonburg? Heck. the firetrucks got lost when our telephone pole blew up.
And no, I'm not afraid of anyone finding me. If I ever get around to adding photos, there will be some of my son. I'm not one of those folks that believes I'm going to get tracked down by a whackadoodle because of a photo online. I didn't add the name of my town, because I think people may be more familiar with Warren County, than with Knowlton. Who's heard of Knowlton?! The only time Knowlton's in the news it's because a murderer was caught at the truck stop by Route 80, or the occasional dead body in the cemetary. Nobody else out here but the bears and us chickens. And the distinction of the only wolves in New Jersey around the corner from us. We hear them howling often.

Knowlton: note to self to google to dumping grounds in case I need it

There are SO many towns in NJ it is amazing how many new ones you find.

"I'm not one of those folks that believes I'm going to get tracked down by a whackadoodle because of a photo online."
I am
lol but I have cause
Stupid mistakes made many many years ago so keeping my daughter safe is #1
You've got enough places in your own town for dumping dead bodies! Don't you come dumping around here. Although ... for a fee .... we have almost fifty acres ... and a backhoe ....

Absolutely, our kids are our number one priority. It sounds like you've had a bad experience. I know they're out there. But, I have to say that I just don't think posting a picture of my kid with a chicken on BYC is going to get him kidnapped. Ok, am I a foolish cop? Maybe. But I don't think so. I'm on MySpace and Facebook, too, with pictures of my son. I'm not belittling any horrible experience you've been through due to the internet ... not at all. This is just the way I feel about it. Hopefully, if you know better than I, you'll let me know
I should hope you know Knowlton! You're close enough!

"She has brown hair!" LOL Threw me right under the bus!

I kinda liked my hat, too

If we ever get together again at another chicken thing, I swear I'll plaster myself with electrical and duct tape BYC!!

We'll see just how dorky I can get

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