Sustaining Setup - Feed and Water ?s

Miss Carcajou

Apr 9, 2018
I have four cayuga ducklings that are a little over 5 weeks living outside in a refurbished chicken coop. They have a run outside with some cover and small water pools(rubber feeder pans). Inside, I have kept water and food available since they are still growing. I am looking for suggestions on food and water setups as they continue to grow:
-Do you keep water available inside their coop even as adults?
-Do you keep food available inside their coop, or primarily outside?
-If they have access to natural materials (their run is yard) do they need grit provided?
-What are your favorite food and water setups for adults?
-Any favorite book recommendations for raising ducks in northern climates? I read articles all over but wouldn't mind having one solid book at home.

I am curious about having functioning and sustaining setups- So if I were to leave for a weekend of camping they would not run out of food or water and I could limit duck sitters checking on them. I live in a rural area, so I'm curious about some ideas and options to explore. I am definitely leaning towards a filtering pond eventually, but open to suggestions and interested in short term and long term ideas for food and water availability for them.

-Do you keep water available inside their coop even as adults?

Adults do not need food and water overnight.

-Do you keep food available inside their coop, or primarily outside?

I would keep food outside to keep the coop clean.

-If they have access to natural materials (their run is yard) do they need grit provided?

They don’t need grit, but providing oyster shells when the girls are laying could serve as both calcium and occasional grit.

-What are your favorite food and water setups for adults?

I have a big water bucket for my two ducks that they make very messy by the end of the day. If I can I change the water twice but I do at least once. I move my water bucket around but I find it stay cleanest when on a cement slab (they dabble in the mud otherwise).

I like to have my ducks food off the ground so bugs can’t get into it easily. If possible maybe a tray to catch food, but the food that falls out always turns to mush for me- so no saving it, but it’s much easier to clean that way it’s not on the ground attracting unwanted pests and such.

Here are my ducks outside last week. They love splashing in their pools- their stomachs are adult feathers, with their faces getting that Cayuga green coming in and the rest mottled between fluff and adult feathers. I have heard two different quacks so far! (Same girl? Two girls?!)
-Do you keep water available inside their coop even as adults?

Adults do not need food and water overnight.

-Do you keep food available inside their coop, or primarily outside?

I would keep food outside to keep the coop clean.

-If they have access to natural materials (their run is yard) do they need grit provided?

They don’t need grit, but providing oyster shells when the girls are laying could serve as both calcium and occasional grit.

-What are your favorite food and water setups for adults?

I have a big water bucket for my two ducks that they make very messy by the end of the day. If I can I change the water twice but I do at least once. I move my water bucket around but I find it stay cleanest when on a cement slab (they dabble in the mud otherwise).

I like to have my ducks food off the ground so bugs can’t get into it easily. If possible maybe a tray to catch food, but the food that falls out always turns to mush for me- so no saving it, but it’s much easier to clean that way it’s not on the ground attracting unwanted pests and such.

Thanks! I think I will probably switch the food and water outside once all the adult feathers are in. We have pest concerns here, but honestly the magpies nesting nearby take care of any spilled food.

I included a recent pic- I will be installing a full fence and revamping the run as I finish some projects, and I think I might pour a concrete slab for cleaning purposes. Food off the ground sounds best too- Thanks.

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