Swan Mating


7 Years
Dec 13, 2016

I have a pair of black australian swans. They have attempted 4 nests since December of last year. I had them a year before this. The first nest she laid 9 eggs, and I let them do it alone as most of my birds (peafowl, geese, chickens, ducks) seem to know what they are doing. I guess I should've checked the nest sooner cause only one of the eggs was fertile, and a couple seemed to have exploded, which fouled the nest and killed the one baby that actually hatched. It was a horrible Christmas day tragedy.

Second nest, I tried to take half the eggs to put in the incubator. Female stopped laying, had only 3 eggs, none were fertile.

Third nest, same thing, 4 eggs, none fertile.

Fourth nest, had 5 eggs, of which 2 went into the incubator. None were fertile. Just threw them out yesterday.

Male has been attempting sex with the female for 2 days now, she wants nothing to do with it. She runs away from him and shes faster. In fact, they don't really seem to like each other. The male hangs out with my goose and the female just hangs out by the bucket (one that arrived by accident, filled with rainwater, and now I have to keep filling it cause they love it so much even though they have a water bucket and a pond with fresh water fountain).

Anyways, I am wondering if I should trap them in a corral for a couple of days? Or perhaps they are still too young? I'm thinking they are only 2 years old. Maybe I need another female?

There's not too much on the internet about breeding swans.
IMG_20171201_170159 - Copy.jpg
IMG_1744.JPG She sure is laying a lot of eggs for only being 2 years old. What is size of their pond and depth? Can you post a picture? I've been on my own journey having a pair of swans. Still have Gunther, the male but not sure I even want to try again with a female. Eggs Gracie laid were fertile. I hatched them in the incubator. Vet said she had been hurt in process of breeding. Week of tube feeding and antibiotics didn't save her.
Hi, actually the age of the swans is kinda unknown. It was suggested they were two years old. I've been watching them and the problem is the male cannot seem to catch the female to mate. They have a smallish pond, only a few feet deep and 3 meters by 4 meters or so. They don't seem to like the bigger lake. Sorry to hear about your female. They seem to have taken an interest in building up the nest again, so I am thinking some eggs are forthcoming, but I have yet to see any mating.
danikiser, so sorry for not replying till now. I'm not getting notifications properly. Any luck on fertile eggs? I'm still on my swan journey either needing another female for Gunther that is now going on 5 years old or a good home for him with a female. It's so obvious he's lonesome for like kind companionship. Has even turned aggressive making it a real chore for me to care for him properly. I don't think the females are open to breeding like the males are so the cobs force themselves on the pens.
danikiser, so sorry for not replying till now. I'm not getting notifications properly. Any luck on fertile eggs? I'm still on my swan journey either needing another female for Gunther that is now going on 5 years old or a good home for him with a female. It's so obvious he's lonesome for like kind companionship. Has even turned aggressive making it a real chore for me to care for him properly. I don't think the females are open to breeding like the males are so the cobs force themselves on the pens.
I have a pair of swan from different owner just start laying egg three days ago so far they already laid two eggs and has not finish yet. I am keeping a close eye on there progress. The pair are very close to each and the male is very protective and you can tell they love each very much but I never see actual mating. One thing seem to me that your pair do not like each other and they never mate that is why all your eggs are infertile. I will let you know what happens to my pair if.you are interested.
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