Sweet Buff Orpington Roo - Needs a new home in Atlanta, GA


9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
Meet Dapper Dan:

He is a 7 month old Rooster who used to go by the name Daphne until we realized she was a he (ordered all hens from Meyer, but he snuck through).

I so wish that I could keep him, but we are in the city limits (illegal), and I imagine our neighbors are starting to reach their own limits.

He is FREE to a home/farm/condo :) in the Atlanta Area. Will deliver.

He is a very CALM rooster who protects his ladies. He is gentle with them and loves to woo them with his rooster dance moves.
He has NEVER shown aggression to anyone (this includes myself, husband, our dog, or our 18 month old son.)
In fact, even some of the older gals boss him around a little bit.

I am really hoping someone in the area is looking for a Rooster to protect their flock. With so many aggressive Roo stories out there, I feel like he is a gem, and it would be a shame for him to end up in a pot.

Please e-mail me: hillwood20 @ aol.com for any further information.

Hello! Was just browsing the ads for a nice Buff rooster and came across your "Dapper Dan"! (my hubby's name is "Dan"ny!!) We have 6 beautiful, Buff ladies desiring a nice handsome fella to watch out for them and enjoy some of the benefits of the job to go along with it!! Our girls are 8 months old and laying lots of eggs for us. We were thinking about getting them a nice male friend in the springtime to hatch out some of our own "buffies" Wasn't really sure where to find one and didn't want to go to the local "swap" meets they have from time to time in our area because I am concerned about getting an unhealthy bird and bringing something home to my babies.

A few questions to ask.... is he still available??
Any health issues with him now or in the past??
Does he HAVE to stay in Atlanta???

I lived my first 47 years in Marietta/Kennesaw area, and found the love of my life 12 yrs. ago and moved to Virginia to share my life with him. We have 30 acres and a wonderful fenced area and new coop for our chickies, and I think your fella would be quite happy here with us. I am going to Athens to visit my best friend next weekend (Jan 4-5) and heading to Marietta to my nieces wedding on Sunday. Think about it, and if you would be willing to let him do some traveling to a great home, please let me know before the weekend so I could make arrangements.

Thanks for your consideration.

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