Sweet Hubbies Valentines day present:-)


12 Years
Feb 5, 2007
I got back from my trip to Oregon yesterday and guess what my DH has done for me???? He took out almost all of our milk crate nest boxes and added a REAL wooden nest box thing all the way across one side of our coop! Then he made REAL perches all along the back of the coop!!! WE used to just have sticks stuck here and there. He also added little planks with slats nailed on so that our little babies could easily walk up to the perches if they didn't want to fly up! How sweet is that???? He also cleaned out the coop, got new hay, and re-organized everything. I am so excited!!!

He said that he got to missing me so much on Sunday that he wanted to be in the coop with my birds so that he could feel close to me
Isn't that just the sweetest???? He also came home at lunch each day so that he could turn my eggs 3 times a day (I told him just once a day would be fine). I am just tickled pink and had to brag on my hubby!
Yes, I told him how much I appreciate it and that I love him soooo much!!!!!!!! I am sick as a dog but still I keep going out to look at it. It is sooo cool:)

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