'Sweetest' / most human friendly chicken breeds

My friendliest chicken ever is probably Sandstorm. As a chick, she would willingly hop onto my hands and as a hen, she insisted on following me around the coop as I tried to collect eggs. She's a Rhode Island Red though, and in my experience, they're not always the friendliest. Sandstorm is a unique little bird. I'd say Buff Orpingtons (when they're not broody) and Barred Rocks are the most consistently friendly breeds. Silkie hens are also usually very nice (when they're not Broody) although I don't recommend a silkie rooster if you're looking for a very friendly chicken.
My buff Orpingtons are insanely friendly. All run up when I walk outside, they hang out with my wife and I in the garden, come running when I say their names. I've put chicken diapers on two of em and taken one to a farmers market on my arm, she's tame and calm enough that she can be set down in the grass near me and will stay nearby picking through the grass and has no issue being picked back up to be taken home or petted. My broody one is still sweet as can be, I'm able to handle eggs underneath her to candle them and even pick up her wings to peek at the chicks and not a single peck from her. Probably helps that I bribe her with treats every single time
I forget what kind of breed it was, (Ok lets be honest, I had / have no clue) but when i was in the TSC about a year ago, a lady had her chicken standing on the handle of the shopping cart and she was just standing there as the cart was being wheeled thru the store, people walking by petting her, she couldn't be happier. I want to say barred rock.

As for BR's as friendly, how are they when it comes to the broodiness?


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