Swelling/Pink Bump on Baby Chick’s Anus?


Jul 25, 2020
Vienna, VA
Hi, I am brooding 1-week old chicks and one of them seems to get a case of pasty butt more often. I remove the feces and clean the area ASAP but today it appears that there is a swollen pink bump around his anus and I don’t know how to remove it for him! I read similar threads and applied coconut oil around and on his bump. Is there anything else I should do to help it?
Do you have a picture?

Below the tail.

What are you feeding her?
Can you get some photos of your brooder set-up?
How warm is your brooder?

I'm still having trouble orienting the position of that bump - is the chick held upside down?
That looks like the vent is swollen to me?
I would carefully clean off her bottom. Apply some anti-inflammatory cream if you have it. If not, then vaseline or coconut oil would be o.k.

Get her hydrated. If you have Poultry Nutri-Drench give her 2-3 drops twice a day for a few days and offer her wet chick starter to eat.
Yes it looks swollen from the pasty butt. Try to keep it clean, it might be gentler to give chickie a warm bath in a tiny bowl, it takes a lot longer than just pulling the poop off though, and you have to be careful about chickie getting too cold. Especially when the bath is done.

The other chicks might be pecking it too since it's noticeable through her fluff.

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