Swimming with Ducks. Safe?


7 Years
Aug 1, 2012
I just bought an above-ground pool to cool off during the hot summer days. It has a filter and everything. My mallard Gabby has never had a huge pool like this, so I'd love to put her in there with me. She is a pretty shy duck unless she is around me, so I know she'd have an absolute BLAST if I was in there with her, but I have a few concerns.

1. Disease spreading to me: Gabby is a pet duck who lives inside a lot of the time. I don't know where she could acquire a disease, but I don't know. She's never been sick before, so I'm sure she's never got salmonella. Are there any diseases in her poop that could hurt me? I know the filter would filter some stuff out, but I would net the poop off the bottom each time I got out. Regardless if Gabby pooped in it or not, I would most likely take a shower after every time I swam in it anyway, so could this bacteria harm me? I can't see it being much less sanitary than swimming in a river!!

2. Chlorinated water: Is it ok for Gabby to drink some chlorinated water? The only reason I would put chlorine tabs in the pool is so it would kill off the bacteria from her poop. If she was constantly drinking, I'd remove her but wouldn't she be fine if she drank a little?
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I wouldn't worry about the bacterial load from one duck on supervised visits! Just watch cuts and broken skin (and avoid taking gulps of poop soup!).

As for chlorinated water - I've read somewhere that it should be ok; so for short periods I'm sure it will be fine.
That said I'm sure there are others who will be able to help more than I can with actual facts rather than opinion ;)

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