switch from stater to grower?


9 Years
Aug 10, 2010
West Dundee IL
I have 4 12 week old chicks and they finally are about done with the starter. do I switch to grower now? and for how long? then when do I go to layer and start adding oyster shells?

Currently they range in the yard for 8-12 hours a day and have starter feed and water available all day
My bunch are mostly about a week older than yours and I've just run out of my last bag of starter. I'm gonna be getting grower now. I've got a mixed age flock and the roosters don't need the extra calcium, so I don't think I'll go to a layer when the oldest start laying. I intend to just keep feeding grower and supplement the calcium with free choice oyster shell.
Not sure if you need to add oyster shell if you are going to feed layer feed. I believe that is already supplemented with extra calcium. 'Course I doubt the oyster shell will hurt them if you did.
As for when to go to layer, you can do that when they get to an age that you should start expecting them to lay (that may depend on the breed but I think it's usually around 20 weeks give or take). Or just wait till you get your first egg, then you'll know for sure they'll be needing the extra calcium.
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I start them on a flock raiser type feed as soon AFTER 12 weeks and their starter bag runs out.

I never put layer or oyster shell out until all are at aminimum of 18 weeks and I see the first egg.
Our store doesn't sell flock raiser. We are feeding unmedicated until the youngest are 18 weeks old. My chicks range from 15-22 weeks right now. I feed oyster shell on the side for the older girls.
All my girls get oyster shell. but it's so coarse they don't actually eat it anyway. Is there a problem with starting oyster shell too young? My youngest birds are probably 12 weeks old and started oyster shell when they were 9 or 10 weeks.

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