Switching Feed Question Help Needed Please


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 15, 2012
Hutto, Texas
Hey everyone!......My chicks are seven weeks old and I am trying to wean them off the Purina Start And Grow, mostly to get them off the medicated feed. It's the only commercial feed they have had up till now. I do free range them supervised and I give them veggies from the garden and fruits and such. I recently purchased a really good, expensive chicken feed to switch them over to and for some reason, they don't seem to be eating it. it is not a crumble, which they are used to, it is actually whole grains milled to be be smaller so they can eat it as they are still young. it is a "grower" feed.

My question is.....Do I need to be concerned that they are not eating as much feed as they were with the Purina? I am afraid they are starving themselves! I don't want to give them too much of anything else such as scraps and such as I don't want to throw their nutritional balance off. Someone please tell me that when they get good and hungry, they will eat this new feed.
I'm really worried.
Mountain Peeps.........It's only been three days since I switched them and I did mix some of the Start And Grow into their new feed as well. They are looking good and are very active, I just want them to eat. My poor chicks.
Yes, if they have a quick step and bounce to go with it, they are fine. Feed changes are often more stressful on the owners than the birds. If you introduced the new into the old and slowly changed the percentage from one to the other, well that is how it is done. If they are finding things to eat while free ranging, then that will decrease the feed consumed in the coop.

So if they have bright eyes and a bound in their step, they will be just fine. If not then you will need to find the problem at hand. But monitor the situation, birds will tell you what you need to know, if you will just sit and watch them.

Best to you and your birds,


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