Switching from grower feed to layer feed

I was wondering about this very subject as well. Thanks for the good information. My ladies have an outside run and I would like to set out grit to make sure they can properly process bugs and other feed they find outside. Can the birds differentiate between crushed oyster shells and grit if I put out both. My ladies aren't laying yet, but there is a difference in age I. The flock and likely some will start before laying before others and will probably have different nutrition requirements.

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I think they could tell the difference, maybe put them in separate containers though. The ladies who need the extra calcium will take as much as they need. How old are your girls?
Thank you for the advice. I just got this bag Saturday. I will be checking the date on the bag. It hasn't been opened. I'm hoping now that I can save it until they all start laying. My girls are healthy and I'd like them to stay that way. I won't mix the feed. I kind of thought so but there's so many knowledgeable people on this forum so I asked. Thank you :-D
No problem. Always happy to help
Thanks Chicken Fan. I have some that are 7 weeks and some that are 14-16 weeks old. I'm not sure of the hatch date of the older girls.

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I don't think one bag will make a difference, chickens are pretty hardy, if it bothers you get another bag of grower and mix half and half, sometimes I have chicks running with the flock, everyone gets grower, oyster shells are always available, you hen will crave them after laying a while, younger birds might eat them here and there, there isn't really one way to feed chickens, it's a very subjective subject.
So I finally go and read the bag.
. Nutrena 16% layer feed. Bag reads to feed at 16 weeks. Doesn't mention wether they should be laying or not. I'm wondering if I should go with bag instructions and feed my girls this feed?????
I use Nutrena as well. I asked this question at the beginning of this thread, and people told me to wait until they all started laying because of the extra calcium content.
Thanks Chicken Fan. I have some that are 7 weeks and some that are 14-16 weeks old. I'm not sure of the hatch date of the older girls.

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Your welcome. The other chickens might take a little of what the layers eat, but I think they would figure it out.
I have 10 hens that are about 16 weeks old and 1 rooster 16 weeks old, still feeding grower feed.. Can I switch to an all flock feed when this bag runs out or what do you suggest??! None are laying yet but a few of my fellow chicken friends have seen my girls and say they will be laying soon!
I think you should be fine doing that, though I don't follow all the feeding rules that I see on this website, I am apparently a bit backwards, but my chickens are fine, do what you feel is fine, it's really hard to kill a chicken with feed, I have always added scratch to lower protein in their food at that age so they don't lay too soon, they still need to develop, and mature a bit, I prefer not to push my hens into lay, too early, I think that causes more problems, but as I said apparently I am backwards.

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