Switching from grower to layer before first egg?


10 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Central Massachusetts
I have four BO pullets, 19 weeks old, and about a week to 10 days supply of grower crumbles left- I really don't want to buy another bag of grower crumbles and only use a tiny bit of it. Would it be harmful to just switch them to layer feed when grower runs out, when they are 20ish weeks? No eggs yet, but a few have combs that are really getting red.
also, someone please tell me the eggs will be here any day now!!!!
Always hard to wait for that first egg.

This time of year with the days growing short they may take a little longer to lay... or not.

At nineteen weeks you should be OK to go over to layer feed.

I switched over to layer feed at 19 weeks, for the same reason you are wanting to. They are now 21 weeks and have just started laying this week.

It does seem like forever for that first one. I was so excited when I found the first one. I emailed a picture to everyone I know:)

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