switching from starter to layer

maryann momhen

5 Years
Jun 24, 2014
new jersey
My girls are 18 weeks and although they haven't started laying yet I figured they probably will be soon...not sure...but..I bought layer feed in pellets after tthey just finished the starter grower feed....and they don't seem to like it ornot sure if its the size of the pellets they don't like...I tried smashing up a cup of the pellets..but they still are bawking...is it just that they're just not used to the change or have I spoiled them and they're expecting corn or peas or some other treat...anybody else experience this?
Well...the momentous occasion has arrived...after 2 unsuccessful attempts..2 yolks with no shell...3s a charm...aziraphale gave us the cutest tiny beige egg this morning...and it was as beautiful inside as out...perfectly firm orange yolk ..white white...and delicious taste....21 weeks...

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